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Results 831-840 of 1010.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Insurance, weather, and financial stabilityKahn, Charles M.; Panjwani, Ahyan; Santos, João A. C.
2024The unemployment-inflation trade-off revisited: The Phillips curve in COVID timesCrump, Richard K.; Eusepi, Stefano; Giannoni, Marc Paolo; Şahin, Ayşegül
2021The Fed's central bank swap lines and FIMA repo facilityChoi, Mark; Goldberg, Linda S.; Lerman, Robert Irving; Ravazzolo, Fabiola
2023The good, the bad, and the ugly of international debt market dataBoyarchenko, Nina; Elias, Leonardo
2023Pandemic-era inflation drivers and global spilloversDi Giovanni, Julian; Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem; Silva, Álvaro; Yıldırım, Muhammed Ali
2022The financial stability implications of digital assetsAzar, Pablo D.; Baughman, Garth; Carapella, Francesca; Gerszten, Jacob; Lubis, Arazi; Perez-Sangimino, Juan Pablo; Rappoport, David E.; Scotti, Chiara; Swem, Nathan; Vardoulakis, Alexandros; Werman, Aurite
2020How economic crises affect inflation beliefs: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemicArmantier, Olivier; Koðsar, Gizem; Pomerantz, Rachel; Skandalis, Daphné; Smith, Kyle; Topa, Giorgio; van der Klaauw, Wilbert
2020The effect of the central bank liquidity support during pandemics: Evidence from the 1918 influenza pandemicAnderson, Haelim Park; Chang, Jin Wook; Copeland, Adam
2021The Primary and Secondary Corporate Credit facilitiesBoyarchenko, Nina; Cox, Caren; Crump, Richard K.; Danzig, Andrew; Kovner, Anna; Shachar, Or; Steiner, Patrick
2023Stimulus through insurance: The marginal propensity to repay debtKoşar, Gizem; Melcangi, Davide; Pilossoph, Laura; Wiczer, David