Working Papers, Department of Economics, Brown University

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 326
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Robust virtual implementation with incomplete information: Toward a reinterpretation of the Wilson doctrineArtemov, Georgy; Kunimoto, Takashi; Serrano, Roberto
2007Cultural assimilation, cultural diffusion and the origin of the wealth of nationsAshraf, Quamrul; Galor, Oded
2007Arrow's impossibility theorem: Preference diversity in a single-profile worldFeldman, Allan M.; Serrano, Roberto
2007Quantifying inefficiency in incomplete asset marketsTirelli, Mario; Turner, Sergio
2007Lavish returns on cheap talk: Non-binding communication in a trust experimentBen-Ner, Avner; Putterman, Louis; Ren, Ting
2007The evolution of coorporation in infinitely repeated games: Experimental evidenceDal Bó, Pedro; Fréchette, Guillaume R.
2007The neolithic revolution and contemporary variations in life expectancyGalor, Oded; Moav, Omer
2007Multiple growth regimes: Insights from unified growth theoryGalor, Oded
2007The evolution of bidding behavior in private-values auction and double auctionsSaran, Rene; Serrano, Roberto
2007Explaining bootstraps and robustnessLancaster, Tony
2007Cooperative games: Core and shapley valueSerrano, Roberto
2007Monitoring In teams: A model and experiment on the central monitor hypothesisGrosse, Stefan; Putterman, Louis; Rockenbach, Bettina
2007Institutions and behavior: Experimental evidence on the effects of democracyDal Bó, Pedro; Foster, Andrew; Putterman, Louis
2006Sub-Saharan growth surprises: Geography, institutions and history in an all African data panelCinyabuguma, Matthias; Putterman, Louis
2006Arrow's impossibility theorem: Two simple single-profile versionsFeldman, Allan M.; Serrano, Roberto
2006Growth to value: A difficult journey for IPOs and concentrated industriesHoberg, Gerard; Qiu, Lily
2006Trust, communication and contracts: Experimental evidenceBen-Ner, Avner; Putterman, Louis
2006Pareto improving monetary policy in incomplete marketsTurner, Sergio; Tumennasan, Norovsambuu
2006Political dynastiesDal Bó, Ernesto; Dal Bó, Pedro; Snyder, Jason
2006Human capital, fertility and growthGalor, Oded
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 326