Upjohn Institute Working Papers, W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 398
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Economic development benefits of preschool expansion in Kalamazoo CountyBartik, Timothy J.
2009Estimating a performance standards adjustment model for workforce programs that provides timely feedback and uses data from only one stateBartik, Timothy J.; Eberts, Randall; Kline, Ken
2009Methodology for adjusting GPRA Workforce Development Program performance targets for the effects of business cyclesBartik, Timothy J.; Eberts, Randall W.; Huang, Wei-Jang
2009What should EDA fund? Developing a model for pre-assessment of economic development investmentsWatts, Brad R.; Erickcek, George A.; Duritsky, Jacob; O'Brien, Kevin; Robey, Claudette; Robey, Jim
2009What do we know about contracting out in the United States? Evidence from household and establishment surveysDey, Matthew; Houseman, Susan; Polivka, Anne
2009Food stamp participation among adult-only householdsRibar, David C.; Edelhoch, Marilyn; Liu, Qiduan
2009How do the effects of local growth on employment rates vary with initial labor market conditions?Bartik, Timothy J.
2009Employment and training policy in the United States during the economic crisisO'Leary, Christopher J.; Eberts, Randall W.
2009Lessons learned from a state-funded workplace literacy programHollenbeck, Kevin; Timmeney, Bridget
2009Estimated state and local fiscal effects of the Nurse Family Partnership programBartik, Timothy J.
2009How policymakers should deal with the delayed benefits of early childhood programsBartik, Timothy J.
2009Health insurance tax credits and health insurance coverage of low-earning single mothersCebi, Merve; Woodbury, Stephen A.
2009Distributional effects of early childhood programs and business incentives and their implications for policyBartik, Timothy J.
2009What should Michigan be doing to promote long-run economic development?Bartik, Timothy J.
2009Retiree health benefits and the decision to retireMarton, James; Woodbury, Stephen A.
2008Sensitivity testing of net impact estimates of workforce development programs using administrative dataHollenbeck, Kevin
2008The revitalization of older industrial cities: A review essay of retooling for growthBartik, Timothy J.
2008Understanding the contributions of reallocation to productivity growth: Lessons from a comparative firm-level analysisBrown, J. David; Earle, John S.
2008Is there a role for public support of incumbent worker on-the-job training?Hollenbeck, Kevin
2008Helping hand or grabbing hand? State bureaucracy and privatization effectivenessBrown, J. David; Earle, John S.; Gehlbach, Scott
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 398