Working Paper Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 428
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2023Employment and welfare effects of the quota for disabled workers in Brazilde Souza, Gustavo
2023The Chicago Fed DSGE model: Version 2Campbell, Jeffrey R.; Ferroni, Filippo; Fisher, Jonas D. M.; Melosi, Leonardo
2023The role of information in pharmaceutical advertising: Theory and evidenceMarquardt, Kelli; Ryan, Conor
2023The labor market impact of Covid-19 on Asian Americansde Mena, Chris; Qin, Suvy; Zhang, Jing
2023Women's colleges and economics major choice: Evidence from Wellesley College applicantsButcher, Kristin F.; McEwan, Patrick J.; Weerapana, Akila
2023The lasting impact of historical residential security maps on experienced segregationAaronson, Daniel; Han, Joel Kaiyuan; Hartley, Daniel A.; Mazumder, Bhashkar
2023The shifting reasons for Beveridge-curve shiftsBarlevy, Gadi; Faberman, R. Jason; Hobijn, Bart; Şahin, Ayşegül
2023Gas, guns, and governments: Financial costs of anti-ESG policiesGarrett, Daniel G.; Ivanov, Ivan T.
2023The dual U.S. labor market uncoveredAhn, Hie Joo; Hobijn, Bart; Şahin, Ayşegül
2023Pushing bonds over the edge: Monetary policy and municipal bond liquidityBagley, John; Gissler, Stefan; Hiteshew, Kent; Ivanov, Ivan T.
2023A robust method for microforecasting and estimation of random effectsGiacomini, Raffaella; Lee, Sokbae; Sarpietro, Silvia
2023A comment on monetary policy and rational asset price bubblesAllen, Franklin; Barlevy, Gadi; Gale, Douglas
2023International diversification, reallocation, and the labor shareDavid, Joel M.; Rancière, Romain; Zeke, David
2023What determines state heterogeneity in response to US tariff changes?Santacreu, Ana Maria; Sposi, Michael; Zhang, Jing
2023Who cares? Paid sick leave mandates, care-giving, and genderByker, Tanya; Patel, Elena; Ramnath, Shanthi
2023The effects of prescription drug monitoring programs on labor market activity and credit outcomesGupta, Sumedha; Mazumder, Bhashkar
2023Identification using higher-order moments restrictionsAndrade, Philippe; Ferroni, Filippo; Melosi, Leonardo
2022A machine learning projection method for macro-finance modelsValaitis, Vytautas; Villa, Alessandro T.
2022Cyclical transactions and wealth inequalitySakong, Jung
2022Destruction, policy, and the evolving consequences of Washington, DC's 1968 Civil DisturbanceBrooks, Leah; Rose, Jonathan; Veuger, Stan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 428