Working Paper Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 428
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022Deindustrialization and industry polarizationSposi, Michael; Yi, Kei-mu; Zhang, Jing
2022Sample selection models without exclusion restrictions: Parameter heterogeneity and partial identificationHonoré, Bo E.; Hu, Luojia
2022Heterogeneous impacts of sentencing decisionsJordan, Andrew; Karger, Ezra; Neal, Derek A.
2022Mis(sed) diagnosis: Physician decision-making and ADHDMarquardt, Kelli
2022A tail of labor supply and a tale of monetary policyCantore, Cristiano; Ferroni, Filippo; Mumtaz, Haroon; Theophilopoulou, Angeliki
2022The expanding landscape of online education: Who engages and how they fareBarrow, Lisa; Morris, Wesley; Sartain, Lauren
2022Capital and labor taxes with costly state contingencyClymo, Alex; Lanteri, Andrea; Villa, Alessandro T.
2022Optimal procurement with quality concernsLopomo, Giuseppe; Persico, Nicola; Villa, Alessandro T.
2022Universal student enrollment systems: The more policies change, the more enrollment patterns stay the sameSartain, Lauren; Lewers, Riley; Barrow, Lisa
2022Physician practice style for mental health conditions: The case of ADHDMarquardt, Kelli
2022Levered returns and capital structure imbalancesIppolito, Filippo; Steri, Roberto; Tebaldi, Claudio; Villa, Alessandro T.
2022"Missing" workers and "missing" jobs since the pandemicHobijn, Bart; Șahin, Ayșegül
2022Inflation as a fiscal limitBianchi, Francesco; Melosi, Leonardo
2022Optimal unemployment insurance requirementsDe Souza, Gustavo; Luduvice, André Victor Doherty
2022Has the willingness to work fallen during the Covid pandemic?Faberman, R. Jason; Müller, Andreas; Şahin, Ayşegül
2022A fair day's pay for a fair day's work: Optimal tax design as redistributional arbitrageHellwig, Christian; Werquin, Nicolas
2022Estimating nonlinear heterogeneous agents models with neural networksKase, Hanno; Melosi, Leonardo; Rottner, Matthias
2022Making the (letter) grade: The incentive effects of mandatory pass/fail coursesButcher, Kristin F.; McEwan, Patrick J.; Weerapana, Akila
2022On the political and economic determinants of redistribution: Economic gains, ideological gains, or institutions?De Souza, Gustavo
2022Simultaneity in binary outcome models with an application to employment for couplesHonoré, Bo E.; Hu, Luojia; Kyriazidou, Ekaterini; Weidner, Martin
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 428