Working Paper Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 692
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Limited household risk sharing: General equilibrium implications for the term structure of interest ratesMitra, Indrajit; Xu, Yu
2020Shadow bank runsAndolfatto, David; Nosal, Ed
2020Bundling time and goods: Implications for hours dispersionFang, Lei; Hannusch, Anne; Silos, Pedro
2020COVID-19 and SME failuresGourinchas, Pierre-Olivier; Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem; Penciakova, Veronika; Sander, Nick
2020Four stylized facts about COVID-19Atkeson, Andrew; Kopecky, Karen A.; Zha, Tao
2020Stock-bond return correlation, bond risk premium fundamentals, and fiscal-monetary policy regimeLi, Erica X. N.; Zha, Tao; Zhang, Ji; Zhou, Hao
2020Decomposing outcome differences between HBCU and non-HBCU institutionsDe Zeeuw, Mels; Fazili, Sameera; Hotchkiss, Julie L.
2020Low-income consumers and payment choiceShy, Oz
2020Patents to products: Product innovation and firm dynamicsArgente, David; Baslandze, Salomé; Hanley, Douglas; Moreira, Sara
2020The Fed takes on corporate credit risk: An analysis of the efficacy of the SMCCFGilchrist, Simon; Wei, Bin; Yue, Vivian Z.; Zakrajések, Egon
2019A theory of housing demand shocksLiu, Zheng; Wang, Pengfei; Zha, Tao
2019Common ownership does not have anti-competitive effects in the airline industryDennis, Patrick; Gerardi, Kristopher; Schenone, Carola
2019Intellectual property, tariffs, and international trade dynamicsMandelman, Federico S.; Waddle, Andrea
2019The Two-pillar policy for the RMBJermann, Urban J.; Wei, Bin; Yue, Vivian Z.
2019Is stricter regulation of incentive compensation the missing piece?Wall, Larry D.
2019Cashless stores and cash usersShy, Oz
2019How the ATM affects the way we payShy, Oz
2019Driven from work: Graduated driver license programs and teen labor market outcomesArgys, Laura M.; Mroz, Thomas A.; Pitts, M. Melinda
2019Digital adoption, automation, and labor markets in developing and emerging economiesFinkelstein Shapiro, Alan; Mandelman, Federico S.
2019Foreclosure externalities and vacant property registration ordinancesBiswas, Arnab; Cunningham, Christopher R.; Gerardi, Kristopher; Sexton, Daniel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 692