Referierte Aufsätze von Forscherinnen und Forschern des DIW Berlin

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 261 bis 280 von 454
2018Opening the black box of energy modelling: Strategies and lessons learnedPfenninger, Stefan; Hirth, Lion; Schlecht, Ingmar; Schmid, Eva; Wiese, Frauke; Brown, Tom; Davis, Chris; Gidden, Matthew; Heinrichs, Heidi; Heuberger, Clara; Hilpert, Simon; Krien, Uwe; Matke, Carsten; Nebel, Arjuna; Morrison, Robbie; Müller, Berit; Pleßmann, Guido; Reeg, Matthias; Richstein, Jörn C.; Shivakumar, Abhishek; Staffell, Iain; Tröndle, Tim; Wingenbach, Clemens
2018Personalized Feedback in Web Surveys: Does It Affect Respondents’ Motivation and Data Quality?Kühne, Simon; Kroh, Martin
2017Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: A Multi-Cohort Study of 90,164 IndividualsDragano, Nico; Siegrist, Johannes; Nyberg, Solja T.; Lunau, Thorsten; Fransson, Eleonor I.; Alfredsson, Lars; Bjorner, Jakob B.; Borritz, Marianne; Burr, Hermann; Erbel, Raimund; Fahlen, Göran; Goldberg, Marcel; Hamer, Mark; Heikkilä, Katriina; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Madsen, Ida E.H.; Nielsen, Martin L.; Nordin, Maria; Oksanen, Tuula; Pejtersen, Jan H.; Pentti, Jaana; Rugulies, Reiner; Salo, Paula; Schupp, Jürgen; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Steptoe, Andrew; Theorell, Töres; Vahtera, Jussi; Westerholm, Peter J. M.; Westerlund, Hugo; Virtanen, Marianna; Zins, Marie; Batty, G. David; Kivimäki, Mika
2017FFTrees: A toolbox to create, visualize, and evaluate fast-and-frugal decision treesPhillips, Nathaniel D.; Neth, Hansjörg; Woike, Jan K.; Gaissmaier, Wolfgang
2017An analysis of a forward capacity market with long-term contractsBhagwat, Pradyumna C.; Marcheselli, Anna; Richstein, Jörn C.; Chappin, Emile J. L.; Vries, Laurens J. De
2017Cross-border effects of capacity mechanisms in interconnected power systemsBhagwat, Pradyumna C.; Richstein, Jörn C.; Chappin, Emile J.L.; Iychettira, Kaveri K.; Vries, Laurens J. De
2017Shaking Dutch grounds won’t shatter the European gas marketHolz, Franziska; Brauers, Hanna; Richter, Philipp M.; Roobeek, Thorsten
2017The long arm of childhood circumstances on health in old age: Evidence from SHARELIFEPakpahan, Eduwin; Hoffmann, Rasmus; Kröger, Hannes
2017Compressing instruction time into fewer years of schooling and the impact on student performanceHuebener, Mathias; Marcus, Jan
2017Neighbourhood Turnover and Teenage AttainmentGibbons, Stephen; Silva, Olmo; Weinhardt, Felix
2017"What else are you worried about?" – Integrating textual responses into quantitative social science researchRohrer, Julia M.; Brümmer, Martin; Schmukle, Stefan C.; Goebel, Jan; Wagner, Gert G.
2017Marginal employment for welfare recipients: stepping stone or obstacle?Lietzmann, Torsten; Schmelzer, Paul; Wiemers, Jürgen
2017In search of features that constitute an “enriched environment” in humans: Associations between geographical properties and brain structureKühn, Simone; Düzel, Sandra; Eibich, Peter; Krekel, Christian; Wüstemann, Henry; Kolbe, Jens; Martensson, Johann; Goebel, Jan; Gallinat, Jürgen; Wagner, Gert G.; Lindenberger, Ulman
2017The Linked Employer–Employee Study of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP-LEE): Content, Design and Research PotentialWeinhardt, Michael; Meyermann, Alexia; Liebig, Stefan; Schupp, Jürgen
2017Data sharing as social dilemma: Influence of the researcher’s personalityLinek, Stephanie B.; Fecher, Benedikt; Friesike, Sascha; Hebing, Marcel
2017Increased instruction hours and the widening gap in student performanceHuebener, Mathias; Kuger, Susanne; Marcus, Jan
2017The market value of energy efficiency in buildings and the mode of tenureKholodilin, Konstantin A; Mense, Andreas; Michelsen, Claus
2017Who is minding the kids? New developments and lost opportunities in reforming the British early education workforceGambaro, Ludovica
2017Family ownership: does it matter for funding and success of corporate innovations?Schäfer, Dorothea; Stephan, Andreas; Mosquera, Jenniffer Solórzano
2017Gender Role Asymmetry and Stock Market Participation – Evidence from four European Household SurveysBarasinska, Nataliya; Schäfer, Dorothea
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 261 bis 280 von 454