Referierte Aufsätze von Forscherinnen und Forschern des DIW Berlin

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 454
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016Early Birds in Day Care: The Social Gradient in Starting Day Care and Children’s Non-cognitive SkillsPeter, Frauke H.; Schober, Pia S.; Spiess, Katharina C.
2016A Coordinated Strategic Reserve to Safeguard the European Energy TransitionNeuhoff, Karsten; Diekmann, Jochen; Kunz, Friedrich; Rüster, Sophia; Schill, Wolf-Peter; Schwenen, Sebastian
2016FTR allocations to ease transition to nodal pricing: An application to the German power systemKunz, Friedrich; Neuhoff, Karsten; Rosellón, Juan
2016On the Empirical Relevance of the Lucas Critique: the Case of Euro Area Money DemandDreger, Christian; Wolters, Jürgen
2016Expansion of Full-Day Childcare and Subjective Well-Being of Mothers: Interdependencies with Culture and ResourcesSchober, Pia S.; Stahl, Juliane F.
2016Structural Vector Autoregressions : Checking Identifying Long-Run Restrictions via HeteroskedasticityLütkepohl, Helmut; Velinov, Anton
2016Ex-post Merger Evaluation in the U.K. Retail Market for BooksAguzzoni, Luca; Argentesi, Elena; Ciari, Lorenzo; Duso, Tomaso; Tognoni, Massimo
2016Comparing Wealth - Data Quality of the HFCSTiefensee, Anita; Grabka, Markus M.
2016Power markets with Renewables: New perspectives for the European Target ModelNeuhoff, Karsten; Wolter, Sophia; Schwenen, Sebastian
2016Between the Hammer and the Anvil: The Impact of Economic Sanctions and Oil Prices on Russia’s RubleDreger, Christian; Kholodilin, Konstantin A.; Ulbricht, Dirk; Fidrmuc, Jarko
2016The Role of Natural Gas in a Low-Carbon Europe: Infrastructure and Supply SecurityHolz, Franziska; Richter, Philipp M.; Egging, Ruud
2016Wealth effects on job preferencesHaywood, Luke
2016Short- and long-term participation tax rates and their impact on labor supplyBartels, Charlotte; Pestel, Nico
2016Correcting for Self-selection Based Endogeneity in Management Research: Review, Recommendations and SimulationsClougherty, Joseph A.; Duso, Tomaso; Muck, Johannes
2016Are We Architects of Our Own Happiness? The Importance of Family Background for Well-BeingSchnitzlein, Daniel D.; Wunder, Christoph
2016Klimaschutzpolitik : Wie kann ein Politikmix gestaltet werden?Andor, Mark; Frondel, Manuel; Neuhoff, Karsten; Petrick, Sebastian; Rüster, Sophia
2016Effective European Antitrust : Does EC Merger Policy Generate Deterrence?Clougherty, Joseph A.; Duso, Tomaso; Lee, Miyu; Seldeslachts, Jo
2015-10Power System Impacts of Electric Vehicles in Germany: Charging with Coal or RenewablesSchill, Wolf-Peter; Gerbaulet, Clemens
2015-09Understanding the Effect of Retirement on Health: Mechanisms and HeterogeneityEibich, Peter
2015-06Secular Changes in Late-Life Cognition and Well-Being: Towards a Long Bright Future with a Short Brisk Ending?Gerstorf, Denis; Hülür, Gizem; Drewelies, Johanna; Eibich, Peter; Duezel, Sandra; Demuth, Ilja; Ghisletta, Paolo; Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth; Wagner, Gert G.; Lindenberger, Ulman
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 454