Queen’s Economics Department Working Paper, Department of Economics (QED), Queen’s University

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 821
2024Evaluation of the economic welfare gains from reducing trade administration costs in MercosurNazif, Mehmet; Jenkins, Glenn P.
2024Cluster-robust jackknife and bootstrap inference for binary response modelsMacKinnon, James G.; Nielsen, Morten Ørregaard; Webb, Matthew
2024Procurement institutions and essential drug supply in low and middle-income countriesZahur, Nahim Bin; Wang, Lucy Xiaolu
2024Jackknife inference with two-way clusteringMacKinnon, James G.; Nielsen, Morten Ørregaard; Webb, Matthew
2024Long-term contracts and efficiency in the liquefied natural gas industryZahur, Nahim Bin
2024How do household coping strategies evolve with increased food insecurity? An examination of Nigeria's food price shock of 2015-2018Quinton, Justin; Jenkins, Glenn P.; Olasehinde-Williams, Godwin
2023Using functional shocks to assess conventional and unconventional monetary policy in CanadaKoeppl, Thorsten V.; Kronick, Jeremy M.; McNeil, James
2023Financial, economic and environmental analyses of upgrading reverse osmosis plant fed with treated wastewaterChamaki, Foroogh Nazari; Jenkins, Glenn P.; Hashemipour, Majid
2023Estimation of economic welfare gains from trade facilitation in the Andean CommunityJenkins, Glenn P.; Nazif, Mehmet
2023More efficient estimation of multiplicative panel data models in the presence of serial correlationBrown, Nicholas; Wooldridge, Jeffrey M.
2023Excise tax incidence: The inequity of taxing obesity and beautyAlshamleh, Osaid; Jenkins, Glenn P.; Ekici, Tufan
2023Difference-in-differences via common correlated effectsBrown, Nicholas; Butts, Kyle; Westerlund, Joakim
2023A test of Hirschman's Hiding Hand principle in World Bank-financed hydropower projectsJenkins, Glenn P.; Olasehinde-Williams, Godwin
2023Moment-based estimation of linear panel data models with factor-augmented errorsBrown, Nicholas
2023Sample sizes for reliably estimating lower and upper income shares in income distribution analysisBeach, Charles M.
2023Traceability, value, and trust in the coffee market: A natural experiment in EthiopiaMbakop, Ludovic; Jenkins, Glenn P.; Leung, Leonard; Sertoglu, Kamil
2023Quantile tool box measures for empirical analysis and for testing distributional comparisons in direct distribution-free fashionBeach, Charles M.
2023Renewable energy support through feed-in tariffs: A retrospective stakeholder analysisHashemi, Majid; Jenkins, Glenn P.; Milne, Frank
2023A gravity analysis of inter-provincial tradeLapham, Beverly J.; Teeter, Daniel
2023Understanding the DeFi network through the lens of a production-network modelChiu, Jonathan; Koeppl, Thorsten V.; Yu, Hanna; Zhang, Shengxing
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 821