International Transport Forum Discussion Papers, International Transport Forum (ITF), OECD

ISSN: 2223-439X

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 121 bis 140 von 260
2016Perspectives for integrating housing location considerations and transport planning as a means to face social exclusion in Indian citiesTiwari, Geetam
2016Incorporating wider economic impacts within cost-benefit appraisalVenables, Anthony
2015Capitalising on the grey-haired globetrotters: Economic aspects of increasing tourism among older and disabled peopleFrye, Ann
2015What do we mean by a level playing field in international aviation?Tretheway, Mike; Andriulaitis, Robert
2015Report on public transport provision in rural and depopulated areas in the United KingdomWhite, Peter
2015Shifting towards low carbon mobility systemsAguilar Jaber, Aimée; Glocker, Daniela
2015Public transport provision in rural and sparsely populated areas in NorwayDotterud Leiren, Merethe; Skollerud, Kåre
2015L'évaluation ex-post des investissements et interventions publiques dans les transports: Conditions préalables des évaluations ex-post et difficultés méthodologiques. Synthèse et conclusions de la table rondeWorsley, Tom
2015Policy strategies for vehicle electrificationLindberg, Gunnar; Fridstrøm, Lasse
2015Passenger transport in rural and sparsely populated areas in FranceSaroli, Christophe
2015Efficiency in railway operations and infrastructure managementMakovsek, Dejan; Benezech, Vincent; Perkins, Stephen
2015The governance and regulation of ports: The case of ItalyFerrari, Claudio; Merk, Olaf
2015Assessing the prospects for an EU-ASEAN air transport agreementKhee-Jin Tan, Alan
2015EU Air transport liberalisation: Process, impacts and future considerationsBurghouwt, Guillaume; Mendes de Leon, Pablo; De Wit, Jaap
2015Liberalisation of international civil aviation: Charting the legal flightpathLykotrafiti, Antigoni
2015Tourism facilitation as part of transport policy: Summary of international experiences. A joint ITF-OECD studyOECD / International Transport Forum (Paris)
2015Public private partnerships for transport infrastructure: Renegotiations, how to approach them and economic outcomesMakovsek, Dejan; Hasselgren, Bjorn; Perkins, Stephen
2015Publicly funded passenger transport services in FinlandKauppila, Jari
2015Ex-post assessment of transport investments and policy interventions: Prerequisites for ex-post assessments and methodological challenges. Summary and conclusions of the roundtableWorsley, Tom
2015Port hinterland connectivityMerk, Olaf; Notteboom, Theo
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 121 bis 140 von 260