International Transport Forum Discussion Papers, International Transport Forum (ITF), OECD

ISSN: 2223-439X

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 80 von 260
2018The economics of regulating ride-hailing and dockless bike shareDeighton-Smith, Rex
2018Challenges for accessibility planning and research in the context of sustainable mobilitySilva, Cecília; Larsson, Anders
2018Reforming private and public urban transport pricingProost, Stef
2018Exposure-adjusted road fatality rates for cycling and walking in European countriesCastro, Alberto; Kahlmeier, Sonja; Gotschi, Thomas
2018Traffic planning in port-citiesHall, Peter
2018Urban toll: Rethinking acceptability through accessibilityCrozet, Yves; Mercier, Aurélie
2018Collaboration in supply chain management: A resilience perspectiveBanomyong , Ruth
2018Public transport governance in Greater BarcelonaLloveras Minguell, Frederic
2018The safety of e-bikes in The NetherlandsSchepers, Paul; Klein Wolt, Karin; Fishman, Elliot
2018Transport planning with accessibility indices in the NetherlandsGeurs, Karst T.
2018London's accessibility indicators: Strengths, weaknesses, challengesInayathusein, Aliasgar; Cooper, Simon
2018The container port of Buenos Aires in the mega-ship eraMerk, Olaf
2018Assessing the net overall distributive effect of a congestion chargeAnable, Jillian; Goodwin, Phil
2018Optimising new mobility servicesYanocha, Dana
2018Light protection of cycle lanes: Best practicesDeegan, Brian
2017Influencing air connectivity outcomesBurghouwt, Guillaume
2017Automation of the driving task: Some possible consequences and governance challengesSmith, Bryant Walker
2017Assessing regulatory changes in the transport sector: An introductionCasullo, Lorenzo; Zhivov, Nathan
2017Real-word vehicle emissionsLigterink, Norbert
2017To allocate slots or not: That is the questionAdler, Nicole; Yazhemsky, Ekaterina
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 80 von 260