International Transport Forum Discussion Papers, International Transport Forum (ITF), OECD

ISSN: 2223-439X

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 260
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012Alternative ways of financing infrastructure investment: Potential for 'novel' financing modelsMeaney, Andrew; Hope, Peter
2012Optimising road maintenanceHarvey, Mark O.
2012Les nouveaux déterminants de la mobilité aux Pays-Bas, en 2012 et au-delàVan der Waard, Jan; Immers, Ben; Jorritsma, Peter
2012Seamless transport policy: Institutional and regulatory aspects of inter-modal coordinationPerkins, Stephen
2012Have Americans hit peak travel? A discussion of the changes in US driving habitsPuentes, Robert
2012Feuille de route pour le financement du développement des infrastructuresUgarte, Carlos; Gutierrez, Gabriel; Phillips, Nick
2012The fantasy world of private finance for transport via public private partnershipsShaoul, Jean; Stafford, Anne; Stapleton, Pam
2012A roadmap to funding infrastructure developmentUgarte, Carlos; Gutierrez, Gabriel; Phillips, Nick
2012Va-t-on vers une inversion de la tendance à toujours plus de mobilité?Madre, Jean-Loup; Bussière, Yves D.; Collet, Roger; Villareal, Irving Tapia
2011A delicate balance: Mobility and access needs, expectations and costsMetz, David
2011Equitable access: Remote and rural communities 'transport needs'White, Peter
2011Economic perspectives on transport and equalityLewis, David
2011Implementing sustainable urban travel policies in MexicoIslas Rivera, Víctor; Hernández G., Salvador; Arroyo Osorno, José A.; Lelis Zaragoza, Martha; Ignacio Ruvalcaba, J.
2011The evolution of London's crossrail scheme and the development of the department for transport's economic appraisal methodsWorsley, Tom
2011Pay-as-you-drive vehicle insurance as a tool to reduce crash risk: Results so far and further potentialBolderdijk, Jan Willem; Steg, Linda
2011What does improved fuel economy cost consumers and what does it cost taxpayers? Some illustrationsVan Dender, Kurt; Crist, Philippe
2011Mobility: Rights, obligations and equity in an ageing societyFrye, Ann
2011Perspectives from mexico to achieve more with less: Alternative transport modes and their social and environmental benefitsLobo, Adriana
2011Cart or horse: Transport and economic growthLeunig, Tim
2011Improving the practice of cost benefit analysis in transportOECD; International Transport Forum
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 260