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Results 61-70 of 154.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013The social policies of emerging economies: Growth and welfare in China and Indiade Haan, Arjan
2012Bolsa Família, its design, its impacts and possibilities for the futureSoares, Sergei Suarez Dillon
2019A universal child grant in Brazil: What must we do, and what can we expect from it?Soares, Sergei; Ansiliero, Graziela; Amaral, Aline Diniz; de Souza, Pedro H. G. Ferreira; Paiva, Luis Henrique
2012China and the world: South-south cooperation for inclusive, green growthKhoday, Kishan; Perch, Leisa
2017A case for institutional demand as effective social protection: Supporting smallholders through procurement and food assistance programmesNehring, Ryan; Miranda, Ana Carla; Howe, Andrew
2012Is there fiscal space for financing an Arab development transformation?Roy, Rathin; Abu-Ismail, Khalid; Almeida Ramos, Raquel
2016Climate change and impacts on family farming in the North and Northeast of BrazilMachado Filho, Haroldo; Moraes, Cássia; Bennati, Paula; de Aragão Rodrigues, Renato; Guilles, Marcela; Rocha, Pedro; Lima, Amanda; Vasconcelos, Isadora
2019HIV-inclusive and -sensitive cash transfer initiatives: Evidence from high-prevalence countries in Eastern and Southern Africade Arruda, Pedro Lara
2019Fiscal justice in Brazil: Pathways to progressPassos, Luana; Guedes, Dyeggo Rocha; Silveira, Fernando Gaiger
2017Social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) project in Manica, Mozambique: Baseline survey reportGyori, Mario; Martínez Zavala, Tatiana; Baier, Jessica; Hernandez, Maria; Olsson, Sofie; Lefevre, Alexis