BGPE Discussion Paper Series, Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)

ISSN: 1863-5733

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 228
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012Is Rational Speculation in the Presence of Positive Feedback Traders Destabilizing?Arnold, Lutz G.; Brunner, Stephan
2012How Trade Credits Foster International TradeEck, Katharina; Engemann, Martina; Schnitzer, Monika
2012Good Intentions Pave the Way to ... the Local MoneylenderArnold, Lutz G.; Booker, Benedikt
2012Quality of Institutions, Global Sourcing, and the Make-or-Buy DecisionKukharskyy, Bohdan
2012The Effect of University Openings on Local Human Capital Formation: Difference-in-Differences Evidence from GermanySiegler, Benedikt
2012Government bond market integration and the EMU: Correlation based evidenceMissio, Sebastian
2012Entwicklung des integrierten Mikrosimulationsmodells EITDsimStruch, Georg
2012Should tax policy favor high- or low-productivity firms?Langenmayr, Dominika; Haufler, Andreas; Bauer, Christian J.
2012The Effect of Education on Fertility: Evidence from a Compulsory Schooling ReformCygan-Rehm, Kamila; Maeder, Miriam
2012Trust and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical AnalysisKukharskyy, Bohdan
2012Testing for Parameter Stability in DSGE Models. The Cases of France, Germany, Italy, and SpainJerger, Jürgen; Röhe, Oke
2012Global Sourcing if Contracts are Reference PointsKukharskyy, Bohdan
2012Measuring Option Implied Degree of Distress in the US Financial Sector Using the Entropy PrincipleMatros, Philipp; Vilsmeier, Johannes
2012Trade, Superstars, and WelfareKukharskyy, Bohdan
2011Relational Contracts and the Economic Well-Being of NationsKukharskyy, Bohdan; Pflüger, Michael
2011Are Wages Equal Across Sectors of Production? A Panel Data Analysis for Tradable and Non-Tradable GoodsSchmillen, Achim
2011Limiting Profit Shifting in a Model with Heterogeneous Firm ProductivityLangenmayr, Dominika
2011Labor supply after normal retirement age in Germany – A fourth pillar of retirement income?Eschelbach, Martina
2011Trade and Industrial Policies with Heterogeneous Firms: The Role of Country AsymmetriesPflüger, Michael; Russek, Stephan
2011Updating the Option Implied Probability of Default MethodologyVilsmeier, Johannes
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 228