BGPE Discussion Paper Series, Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)

ISSN: 1863-5733

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 228
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Microfinance and markets: New results for the Besley-Coate group lending modelArnold, Lutz; Reeder, Johannes; Steger, Susanne
2009Citizen-centric governance indicators: Measuring and monitoring governance by listening to the people and not the interest groupsIvanyna, Maksym; Shah, Anwar
2008Fairness, Price Stickiness, and History Dependence in Decentralized TradeKorth, Christian; Napel, Stefan
2008Schulleistungen von Maedchen und Jungen. Gleichberechtigung als Bildungsmotor?Birkenfeld, Florian
2008The design of political institutions: Electoral competition and the choice of ballot access restrictions in the United StatesDrometer, Marcus; Rincke, Johannes
2008Abwärtsnominal- und Tariflohnstarrheit in DeutschlandBlaes, Barno
2008Ausmaß und reale Konsequenzen nach unten starrer NominallöhneBlaes, Barno
2008Competition, Innovation and the Effect of Knowledge AccumulationSteinmetz, Alexander
2008The Strategic Effects of Smoking BansBauer, Christian; Lingens, Jörg
2008The Transition to Tertiary Education and Parental Background over TimeRiphahn, Regina; Schieferdecker, Florian
2008What makes up a central exit examination?Birkenfeld, Florian
2008Acquisitions in a Patent Contest Model with Large and Small FirmsKleer, Robin
2008On the stability of equilibria in replicator dynamics modelling: an application in industrial dynamics considering resource constraintsKlarl, Torben
2008Dynamic Duopoly with Inattentive FirmsReisinger, Markus; Ressner, Ludwig
2008Fairtrade Labelling in a Bertrand Competition Model with Monopsony PowerGraichen, Andreas
2008Government R&D Subsidies as a Signal for Private InvestorsKleer, Robin
2008Unionisation triggers tax incentives to attract foreign direct investmentHaufler, Andreas; Mittermaier, Ferdinand
2008Tax competition and governmental efficiency: Theory and evidenceIvanyna, Maksym
2008The impact of ballot access restrictions on electoral competition: Evidence from a natural experimentDrometer, Marcus; Rincke, Johannes
2008When skilled and unskilled labor are mobile: a new economic geography approachRussek, Stephan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 228