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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 93.
2017Noua generație de europeni. Cum percep elevii de liceu Uniunea Europeană?Popescu, Oana Ludmila
2007Analysis of the common agricultural policy evolution and directions: A Romanian perspectiveRusu, Marioara; Giurcă, Daniela; Luca, Ludian
2005Performance in the context of the Lisbon agenda: Succes stories, institutional designVoinea, Liviu; Păuna, Bianca; Marinescu, Cosmin
2007Towards a European strategy in the black sea area: The territorial cooperationPop, Adrian; Manoleli, Dan
2005Romania and the Republilc of Moldova: Between the European neighbourhood policy and the prospect of EU enlargementPop, Adrian; Pascariu, Gabriela; Angliţoiu, George; Purcăruş, Alexandru
2013Taxarea tranzacţiilor financiare şi consecinţele sale asupra creşterii economice, stabilităţii financiare şi finanţelor publiceMoinescu, Bogdan; Dumitrescu, Bogdan; Boitan, Iustina
2004State aid control in the sensitive sectors: Coal, steel, shipbuilding, motor vehiclesOprescu, Gheorghe; Atanasiu, Isabela; Papatulică, Mariana; Prisecaru, Petre
2005An assessment of the recent economic, social, legislative and institutional outlook in EU new member statesCiupagea, Constantin; Atanasiu, Isabela; Câmpeanu, Virginia; Ţurlea, Geomina
2012Euro Plus Pact Adoption: Implications for Romanian Fiscal PolicyDăianu, Daniel; Kallai, Ella Viktoria; Lungu, Laurian
2004Romanian pension system during the transtition: Major problems and solutionsPreda, Marian; Dobos, Cristina; Grigoras, Vlad