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Logistiktrends 2010

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Year of Publication: 
Series/Report no.: 
ild Schriftenreihe Logistikforschung No. 11
MA Akademie Verlags- und Druck-Gesellschaft mbH, Essen
Abstract (Translated): 
This paper presents results from an expert survey regarding logistics trends in accordance to a trend classification system. A special focus is put on rail traffic as this transport mode is experiencing a 'renaissance' in recent trend development and interesting new organisation systems such as online freight marketplaces can be expected for this specific sector. The analysis is part of the ongoing logistics trend research in the LOGFOR project, supported by the European Union Regional Development Funds as well as the NRW department for technology, energy and economics (NRW MWME).
Document Type: 
Research Report

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The document was removed on behalf of the author(s)/ the editor(s) on: August 5, 2021

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