SERIEs - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Springer

ISSN: 1869-4195

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 273
2018Classifying bounded rationality in limited data sets: A Slutsky matrix approachAguiar, Victor H.; Serrano, Roberto
2018Impossibility theorems with countably many individualsNinjbat, Uuganbaatar
2018Price dispersion, chain heterogeneity, and search in online grocery marketsGonzález, Xulia; Miles-Touya, Daniel
2018Explaining job polarisation in Spain from a task perspectiveSebastian, Raquel
2018Income, consumption and wealth inequality in SpainAnghel, Brindusa; Basso, Henrique; Bover, Olympia; Casado, José María; Hospido, Laura; Izquierdo, Mario; Kataryniuk, Ivan A.; Lacuesta, Aitor; Montero, José Manuel; Vozmediano, Elena
2018Does trade openness influence the real effective exchange rate? New evidence from panel time-seriesGantman, Ernesto R.; Dabós, Marcelo P.
2018Television and electoral results in CataloniaDurán, Iván M.
2018Estimating output gap: A beauty contest approachCuerpo, Carlos; Cuevas, Ángel; Quilis, Enrique M.
2018Growing by learning: Firm-level evidence on the size-productivity nexusMoral-Benito, Enrique
2018On the stability of buyer groups under key account managementAntelo, Manel; Bru, Lluís
2018Voting with your feet: Migration flows and happinessMarques, Helena; Pino, Gabriel; Tena, J. D.
2018Hierarchical bank supervisionRepullo, Rafael
2018Fiscal centralization: A remedy for corruption?Rosselló Villalonga, Joan
2018Are Euro-Area expectations about recession phases effective to anticipate consequences of economic crises?Rubilar-González, Marco; Pino, Gabriel
2017On the effect of taxation in the online sports betting marketVidal-Puga, Juan
2017Are the Spanish long-term unemployed unemployable?Bentolila, Samuel; García-Pérez, J. Ignacio; Jansen, Marcel
2017The short-term debt choice under asymmetric informationAbad, David; Sánchez-Ballesta, Juan Pedro; Yagüe, José
2017Determinants of bank's financing choices under capital regulationLlorens, Vanesa; Martin-Oliver, Alfredo
2017Non-cognitive skills and individual earnings: New evidence from PIAACAnghel, Brindusa; Balart, Pau
2017The granularity of Spanish exportsde Lucio, Juan; Mínguez, Raúl; Minondo, Asier; Requena, Francisco
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 273