SERIEs - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Springer

ISSN: 1869-4195

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 273
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019The output effects of tax changes: Narrative evidence from SpainGil, Paula; Martí, Francisco; Morris, Richard; Pérez, Javier J.; Ramos, Roberto
2019Introduction to the special issue on taxes and transfersConesa, Juan Carlos; Pérez, Javier J.; Sánchez Marcos, Virginia
2019Tax reforms and Google searches: The case of Spanish VAT reforms during the great recessionArtés, Joaquín; Botello Mainieri, Ana Melissa; Sánchez-Fuentes, A. Jesús
2019Spatial mobility in elite academic institutions in economics: The case of SpainCarrasco, Raquel; Ruiz-Castillo, Javier
2019A politico-economic model of public expenditure and income taxationMayoral, Laura; Esteban Marquillas, Joan María
2019Score-driven currency exchange rate seasonality as applied to the Guatemalan Quetzal/US DollarAyala, Astrid; Blazsek, Szabolcs
2019Tax structure for consumption and income inequality: An empirical assessmentAlves, José; Afonso, António
2019Efficiency evaluation of hotel chains: A Spanish case studyDeng, Yaguo; Veiga, Helena; Wiper, Michael P.
2019The effects of the introduction of tax incentives on retirement savingAyuso, Juan; Jimeno, Juan F.; Villanueva, Ernesto
2019The elasticity of taxable income in Spain: 1999-2014Almunia, Miguel; López Rodríguez, David
2019Calendar effects in daily aggregate employment creation and destruction in SpainConde-Ruiz, J. Ignacio; García, Manu; Puch, Luis; Ruiz, Jesús
2019Investment expensing and progressivity in flat-tax reformsDíaz-Giménez, Javier; Pijoan-Mas, Josep
2019The market for scoops: A dynamic approachAndina-Díaz, Ascensión; García Martínez, José A.; Parravano, Antonio
2019Tax efficiency in a model of endogenous markupsDurceylan, Esra
2019The Spanish personal income tax: Facts and parametric estimatesGarcía-Miralles, Esteban; Guner, Nezih; Ramos, Roberto
2019The timing of optimal capital income tax reforms: The role of intangible capital investmentConesa, Juan Carlos; Domínguez, Begoña
2019Fewer babies and more robots: Economic growth in a new era of demographic and technological changesJimeno, Juan F.
2018A simple dynamic contest with a parameterized strength of competitionGarcía-Martínez, José A.
2018Contribution of demography to economic growthSánchez-Romero, Miguel; Abio, Gemma; Patxot, Concepció; Souto, Guadalupe
2018Discrimination without taste: How discrimination can spillover and persistRamachandran, Rajesh; Rauh, Christopher
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 273