Games - Open Access Journal, MDPI

ISSN: 2073-4336

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 553
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Towards a fair distribution mechanism for asylumvan Basshuysen, Philippe
2017On information aggregation and interim efficiency in networksJimenez-Martinez, Antonio
2017Emotions and behavior regulation in decision dilemmasGómez-Miñambres, Joaquin; Schniter, Eric
2017The evolution of reputation-based cooperation in regular networksSasaki, Tatsuya; Yamamoto, Hitoshi; Okada, Isamu; Uchida, Satoshi
2017A Nobel Prize for property rights theoryHolden, Richard
2017On adverse effects of consumers' attaching greater importance to firms' ethical conductBaumann, Florian; Friehe, Tim
2017Cooperation in public goods games: Stay, but not for too longWardil, Lucas; Amaral, Marco Antonio
2017Dual-process reasoning in charitable giving: Learning from non-resultsGrossman, Zachary; van der Weele, Joël J.
2016When do types induce the same belief hierarchy?Perea, Andrés; Kets, Willemien
2016Vertical relationships within platform marketplacesTremblay, Mark J.
2016Can we predict the winner in a market with network effects? Competition in cryptocurrency marketGandal, Neil; Halaburda, Hanna
2016What goes around, comes around: Experimental evidence on exposed liesMörtenhuber, Sarah; Nicklisch, Andreas; Schnapp, Kai-Uwe
2016Exploring the gap between perfect Bayesian equilibrium and sequential equilibriumBonanno, Giacomo
2016Trait emotional intelligence is related to risk taking when adolescents make deliberative decisionsPanno, Angelo
2016The influence of mobility rate on spiral waves in spatial rock-paper-scissors gamesMobilia, Mauro; Rucklidge, Alastair M.; Szczesny, Bartosz
2016Ignorance is bliss, but for whom? The persistent effect of good will on cooperationFarjam, Mike; Mill, Wladislaw; Panganiban, Marian
2016The impact of the irrelevant: Temporary buy-options and bidding behavior in auctionsPeeters, Ronald; Strobel, Martin; Vermeulen, Dries; Walzl, Markus
2016Leveraging possibilistic beliefs in unrestricted combinatorial auctionsChen, Jing; Micali, Silvio
2016Pledges of commitment and cooperation in partnershipsDeer, Lachlan; Bayer, Ralph-C.
2016Space debris removal: A game theoretic analysisKlima, Richard; Bloembergen, Daan; Savani, Rahul; Tuyls, Karl; Hennes, Daniel; Izzo, Dario
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 553