Games - Open Access Journal, MDPI

ISSN: 2073-4336

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 553
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Social norm and risk attitudes: Introduction to the special issueNax, Heinrich H.
2021To condemn is not to punish: An experiment on hypocrisyvon Grundherr, Michael; Jauernig, Johanna; Uhl, Matthias
2021Experiments on communication in games: Introduction to the special issueCox, Caleb A.; Stoddard, Brock
2021An experiment on cooperation in a CPR game with a disapproval optionYao, Koffi Serge William
2021Invitation games: An experimental approach to coalition formationAbe, Takaaki; Funaki, Yukihiko; Shinoda, Taro
2021Is voting for a cartel a sign of cooperativeness?Gillet, Joris
2021Dynamic model of collaboration in multi-agent system based on evolutionary game theoryGou, Zhuozhuo; Deng, Yansong
2021Cartel formation in Cournot competition with asymmetric costs: A partition function approachAbe, Takaaki
2021Unravelling theory: Strategic (non-) disclosure of online ratingsButler, David; Read, Daniel
2021Path-independent considerationLleras, Juan; Masatlioglu, Yusufcan; Nakajima, Daisuke; Ozbay, Erkut
2021Intentions versus outcomes: Cooperation and fairness in a sequential prisoner's dilemma with natureRidinger, Garret
2021Constrained versus unconstrained rational inattentionAzrieli, Yaron
2021Lab-sophistication: Does repeated participation in laboratory experiments affect pro-social behaviour?Medda, Tiziana; Pelligra, Vittorio; Reggiani, Tommaso
2021Quantile stable mechanismsChen, Peter; Egesdal, Michael; Pycia, Marek; Yenmez, M. Bumin
2021Nudge the lunch: A field experiment testing menu-primacy effects on lunch choicesAndersson, Ola; Nelander, Lif
2021Consensus towards partially cooperative strategies in self-regulated evolutionary games on networksMadeo, Dario; Mocenni, Chiara
2021Political mobilization in the laboratory: The role of norms and communicationRobalo, Pedro
2021Deterrence by collective punishment may work against criminals but never against freedom fightersBolle, Friedel
2021A disproportionality bias in the bureau of the regional assembly of Madridde la Cruz Vicente, Omar; Tomé Bermejo, Fernando; Ramiro Moreno, Rafael
2021Weighted scoring committeesMayer, Alexander; Napel, Stefan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 553