Econometrics - Open Access Journal, MDPI

ISSN: 2225-1146

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 80 von 322
2020Bayesian model averaging with the integrated nested laplace approximationGómez-Rubio, Virgilio; Bivand, Roger; Rue, Håvard
2020Mahalanobis distances on factor model based estimationDai, Deliang
2020A review of the "BMS" package for r with focus on jointnessAmini, Shahram; Parmeter, Christopher F.
2020On the asymptotic distribution of ridge regression estimators using training and test samplesSengupta, Nandana; Sowell, Fallaw
2020New evidence of the marginal predictive content of small and large jumps in the cross-sectionYu, Bo; Mizrach, Bruce Marshall; Swanson, Norman R.
2020Representation of japanese candlesticks by oriented fuzzy numbersPiasecki, Krzysztof; ¡yczkowska-Hanckowiak, Anna
2020Testing for stochastic dominance up to a common relative poverty lineMehdi, Tahsin
2020Data revisions and the statistical relation of global mean sea level and surface temperatureHillebrand, Eric; Johansen, Søren; Schmith, Torben
2020The discovery of long-run causal order: A preliminary investigationHoover, Kevin D.
2020Long-lasting economic effects of pandemics: Evidence on growth and unemploymentRodríguez-Caballero, C. Vladimir; Vera-Valdés, J. Eduardo
2020Bayesian model averaging using power-expected-posterior priorsFouskakis, Dimitris; Ntzoufras, Ioannis
2020Direct and indirect effects under sample selection and outcome attritionHuber, Martin; Solovyeva, Anna
2020Bayesian model averaging and prior sensitivity in stochastic frontier analysisMakieła, Kamil; Mazur, Błażej
2020BACE and BMA variable selection and forecasting for UK money demand and inflation with GretlBłażejowski, Marcin; Kwiatkowski, Jacek; Kufel, Paweł
2020Confidence distributions for FIC scoresCunen, Céline; Hjort, Nils Lid
2020Gini index estimation within pre-specified error bound: Application to Indian household survey dataBilson Darku, Francis; Konietschke, Frank; Chattopadhyay, Bhargab
2020Sensitivity analysis of an ols multiple regression inference with respect to possible linear endogeneity in the explanatory variables, for both modest and for extremely large samplesAshley, Richard A.; Parmeter, Christopher F.
2020Triple the gamma: A unifying shrinkage prior for variance and variable selection in sparse state space and TVP modelsCadonna, Annalisa; Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia; Knaus, Peter
2020Improved average estimation in seemingly unrelated regressionsMehrabani, Ali; Ullah, Aman
2020A parameterization of models for unit root processes: Structure theory and hypothesis testingBauer, Dietmar; Matuschek, Lukas; de Matos Ribeiro, Patrick; Wagner, Martin
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 80 von 322