Econometrics - Open Access Journal, MDPI

ISSN: 2225-1146

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 322
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019Evaluating Approximate Point Forecasting of Count ProcessesHomburg, Annika; Weiß, Christian H.; Alwan, Layth C.; Frahm, Gabriel; Göb, Rainer
2019Jointly modeling autoregressive conditional mean and variance of non-negative valued time seriesKawakatsu, Hiroyuki
2019Cointegration and adjustment in the CVAR(É) representation of some partially observed CVAR(1) modelsJohansen, Søren
2019Har testing for spurious regression in trendPhillips, Peter C. B.; Wang, XiaoHu; Zhang, Yonghui
2019Consequences of model misspecification for maximum likelihood estimation with missing dataGolden, Richard M.; Henley, Steven S.; White, Halbert *1950-2012*; Kashner, T. Michael
2019Threshold regression with endogeneity for short panelsGørgens, Tue; Würtz, Allan H.
2019Background indicatorsRaunig, Burkhard
2019Structural panel Bayesian VAR model to deal with model misspecification and unobserved heterogeneity problemsPacifico, Antonio
2019Misclassification in binary choice models with sample selectionArezzo, Maria Felice; Guagnano, Giuseppina
2019On the forecast combination puzzleQian, Wei; Rolling, Craig A.; Cheng, Gang; Yang, Yuhong
2019Uniform inference in panel autoregressionChao, John C.; Phillips, Peter C. B.
2019The replication crisis as market failureQuiggin, John C.
2019Monte Carlo inference on two-sided matching modelsKim, Taehoon; Schwartz, Jacob; Song, Kyungchul; Whang, Yoon-jae
2019On the validity of tests for asymmetry in residual-based threshold cointegration modelsSchild, Karl-Heinz; Schweikert, Karsten
2019Likelihood inference for generalized integer autoregressive time series modelsJoe, Harry
2019Causal random forests model using instrumental variable quantile regressionChen, Jau-er; Hsiang, Chen-Wei
2019Bivariate volatility modeling with high-frequency dataMatei, Marius; Rovira, Xari; Agell, Núria
2019Fixed and long time span jump tests: New Monte Carlo and empirical evidenceCheng, Mingmian; Swanson, Norman R.
2019On the convergence rate of the SCAD-penalized empirical likelihood estimatorAndo, Tomohiro; Sueishi, Naoya
2019Bayesian analysis of coefficient instability in dynamic regressionsCiapanna, Emanuela; Taboga, Marco
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 322