Bruegel Working Papers, Bruegel

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 200
2017From start-up to scale-up: examining public policies for the financing of high-growth venturesDuruflé, Gilles; Hellmann, Thomas; Wilson, Karen E.
2017Divorce settlement or leaving the club? A breakdown of the Brexit billDarvas, Zsolt; Efstathiou, Konstantinos; Raposo, Inês Goncalves
2016The dynamics of leniency application and the knock-on effect of cartel enforcementZhou, Jun
2016Income convergence during the crisis: did EU funds provide a buffer?Merler, Silvia
2016Some are more equal than others: new estimates of global and regional inequalityDarvas, Zsolt
2016The China-Russia trade relationship and its impact on EuropeGarcía-Herrero, Alicia; Xu, Jianwei
2016Reform of the European Union financial supervisory and regulatory architecture and its implications for AsiaDarvas, Zsolt; Schoenmaker, Dirk; Véron, Nicolas
2016Challenging prospects for roam like at homePetropoulos, Georgios; Marcus, J. Scott
2016Getting the most from public R&D spending in times of austerity: Some insights from SIMPATIC analysisVeugelers, Reinhilde
2016China’s Belt and Road initiative: can Europe expect trade gains?García-Herrero, Alicia; Xu, Jianwei
2016Providing efficient network access to green power generators: A long-term property rights perspectivePetropoulos, Georgios; Willems, Bert
2015The grand divergence: Global and European current account surplusesDarvas, Zsolt M.
2015Mixing and matching research and innovation policies in EU countriesVeugelers, Reinhilde
2015The globalisation of angel investmentsLerner, Josh; Schoar, Antoinette; Sokolinski, Stanislav; Wilson, Karen
2015Living (dangerously) without a fiscal unionMody, Ashoka
2015Internationalising the currency while leveraging massively: The case of ChinaGarcía-Herrero, Alicia
2015The long road towards the European single marketMariniello, Mario; Sapir, André; Terzi, Alessio
2015The political economy of financial crisis policyO'Keeffe, Mícheál; Terzi, Alessio
2015Filling the gap: Open economy considerations for more reliable potential output estimatesDarvas, Zsolt M.; Simon, András
2015The vulnerability of Europe's small and medium-sized banksMody, Ashoka; Wolff, Guntram B.
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 200