Bruegel Working Papers, Bruegel

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 195
2023Globalisation and automation as sources of labour-market competition, and support for European Union unemployment insuranceBurgoon, Brian; Buzzelli, Gregorio; Nicoli, Francesco; Sacchi, Stefano
2023Artificial intelligence adoption in the public sector: A case studyNurski, Laura
2023The Ukrainian war economyBoyarchuk, Dmytro; Dñabrowski, Marek
2023A quantitative evaluation of the European commiccion's fiscal governance proposalDarvas, Zsolt M.; Welslau, Lennard; Zettelmeyer, Jeromin
2023Pro- and anti-competitive provisions in the proposed European Union Data ActMartens, Bertin
2023A new measure of aggregate trade restrictions: Cyclical drivers and macro effectsEstefania-Flores, Julia; Furceri, Davide; Ahmed Hannan, Swarnali; Ostry, Jonathan David; Rose, Andrew
2023Global trends in countries' perceptions of the Belt and Road InitiativeGarcía Herrero, Alicia; Schindowski, Robin
2023Skills or a degree? The rise of skills-based hiring for AI and green jobsEhlinger, Eugenia Gonzalez; Stephany, Fabian
2023The competitive relationship between cloud computing and generative AICarugati, Christophe
2023To what extent can urbanisation mitigate the negative impact of population ageing in China?García Herrero, Alicia; Xu, Jianwei
2023Are new EU data market regulations coherent and efficient?Martens, Bertin
2023Recessions, the energy mix and environmental policyDeb, Pragyan; Furceri, Davide; Ostry, Jonathan David; Tawk, Nour
2022The low productivity of European firms: How can policies enhance the allocation of resources?Claeys, Gregory; Le Mouel, Marie; Sgaravatti, Giovanni
2022You'll never talk alone: What media narratives on European reforms reveal about a polity in the makingMourlon-Druol, Emmanuel; Müller, Henrik; Porcaro, Giuseppe; Schmidt, Tobias
2022Is the workforce ready for the jobs of the future? Data-informed skills and training foresightStephany, Fabian; Luckin, Rosemary
2022Measuring the intangible economy to address policy challengesLe Mouel, Marie
2022The impact of artificial intelligence on the nature and quality of jobsNurski, Laura; Hoffmann, Mia
2022Risks to job quality from digital technologies: Are industrial relations in Europe ready for the challenge?Berg, Janine; Green, Francis; Nurski, Laura; Spencer, David A.
2022Technology, trade, work councils and income distribution: New insights from MICROPRODDarvas, Zsolt M.
2022Deglobalisation and ProtectionismDadush, Uri
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 195