IFN Working Papers, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 1478
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Unconstrained trade: The impact of EU cage bans on exports of poultry-keeping equipmentFerguson, Shon M.
2021Optimal redistribution in the presence of signalingBastani, Spencer; Blumòkin, Tomer; Micheletto, Luca
2021COVID-19 and Income Inequality: Evidence from Monthly Population RegistersAngelov, Nikolay; Waldenström, Daniel
2021Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Work and Productivity: The Role of Firm HeterogeneityHeyman, Fredrik; Norbäck, Pehr-Johan; Persson, Lars
2021Ballooning Bureaucracy: Tracking the Growth of High-Skilled Administration within Swedish Higher EducationAndersson, Fredrik; Jordahl, Henrik; Kärnä, Anders
2021Collaborative innovation blocs and mission-oriented innovation policy: An ecosystem perspectiveElert, Niklas; Henrekson, Magnus
2021From epidemic to pandemic: Did the COVID-19 outbreak affect high school program choices in Sweden?Aalto, Aino-Maija; Müller, Dagmar; Tilley, J. Lucas
2021To Be or Not to Be: The Entrepreneur in Endogenous Growth TheoryHenrekson, Magnus; Johansson, Dan; Karlsson, Johan
2021Political Institutions and Academic Freedom: Evidence from Across the WorldBerggren, Niclas; Bjørnskov, Christian
2021William J. Baumol: Innovative contributor to entrepreneurship economicsHenrekson, Magnus; Stenkula, Mikael
2021Sweden's Energy Investment ChallengeHolmberg, Pär; Tangerås, Thomas P.
2021Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship: Coveted by Policymakers but Impervious to Top-Down PolicymakingHenrekson, Magnus; Kärnä, Anders; Sanandaji, Tino
2021Intolerance predicts climate skepticismJohansson, Alva; Berggren, Niclas; Nilsson, Therese
2021Low-Skilled Jobs, Language Proficiency and Refugee Integration: An Experimental StudyEk, Simon; Hammarstedt, Mats; Skedinger, Per
2021The impact of founders on information asymmetry vis-à-vis outside investors: Evidence from Caribbean offshore tax havensHearns, Bruce; Oxelheim, Lars; Randøy, Trond
2021Markups as a hedge for input price uncertainty: Evidence from SwedenAgrawal, Sneha; Gaurav, Abhishek; Suveg, Melinda
2021A taste of their own medicine: Guideline adherence and access to expertiseFinkelstein, Amy; Persson, Petra; Polyakova, Maria; Shapiro, Jesse M.
2021Test scores and economic growth: Update and extensionHeller-Sahlgren, Gabriel; Jordahl, Henrik
2021Academic freedom, institutions and productivityBerggren, Niclas; Bjørnskov, Christian
2021Kill your darlings? Do new aid flows help achieve a poverty minimizing allocation of aid?Tengstam, Sven; Isaksson, Ann-Sofie
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 1478