Discussion Papers, Turkish Economic Association

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 293
2009Modelling The Trade Flows of The Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: A New Approach to Gravity ModelInsel, Aysu; Tekçe, Mehmet Mahmut
2009Belirsizlik Altında Karar Alma: Geleneksel ve Modern YaklaşımlarAksoy, Tolga; Şahin, Işıl
2009Capital flows and economic growth across spectral frequencies: Evidence from TurkeyYildirim, Nuri; Tastan, Huseyin
2009Parliamentary Election Cycles and the Turkish Banking SectorBaum, Christopher; Caglayan, Mustafa; Talavera, Oleksandr
2009Is It a Puzzle to Estimate Econometric Models for The Turkish Economy?Insel, Aysu; Sualp, Nedim
2009Money Price Relationship under the Currency Board System: The Case of ArgentinaTogay, Selahattin; Kose, Nezir
2009The Turkish Economy After The CrisisRodrik, Dani
2008Evolutionary Dynamics of GlobalizationCanpolat, Naci; Ozel, Hüseyin
2008Exchange Rates and the Money Demand Process during the Persistently High Inflation Period in the Turkish Economy: Causes and DynamicsBilal, Savaş
2008Managing Financial Instability in Emerging Markets: A Keynesian PerspectiveAkyuz, Yilmaz
2008Macroeconomic Policy and Unemployment by Economic Activity: Evidence from TurkeyBerument, Hakan; Dogan, Nukhet; Tansel, Aysit
2008The Current Global Financial Turmoil and Asian Developing CountriesAkyuz, Yilmaz
2008Does Growth & Quality of Capital Markets drive Foreign Capital? The case of Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions from leading Emerging EconomiesChousa, Juan Piñeiro; Tamazian, Artur; Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya
2008Is Trade Liberalization a Solution to the Unemployment Problem?Yanikkaya, Halit
2008China - Opportunities of and Constraints on the New Global PlayerSiebert, Horst
2008Price Setting Behavior in Turkish Industries: Evidence From Survey DataSahinoz, Saygin; Saracoglu, Bedriye
2008Türkiye’'de Sanayi Sektörü - Iktisadi Büyüme Ilişkisinin Kaldor Hipotezi Çerçevesinde Test EdilmesiArisoy, Ibrahim
2008Iktisat Programları Homojen Mal Demeti ve Homojen Mal mı oluyor?Eren, Ercan; Sahin, Serçin
2007Türkiye’'de Yolsuzluğun Nedenleri-Ekonometrik Bir IncelemeBayar, Guzin
2007Impact of Exchange Rate Changes on Domestic Inflation: The Turkish ExperienceVolkan, Ara; Saatçioğlu, Cem; Korap, Levent
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 293