IES Working Papers, Institute of Economic Studies (IES), Charles University

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 161 bis 180 von 566
2020Estimating the social value of specific crop diversity conservation plans: Do Czechs care more about conserving hop, wine or fruit tree varieties?Tyack, Nicholas; Scasny, Milan
2020Exchange rate misalignments, growth, and institutionsBaxa, Jaromír; Paulus, Michal
2020The effect of inpatient user charges on inpatient careVotapkova, Jana
2020Premium price for natural preservatives in wine: A discrete choice experimentChikumbi, Lydia; Scasny, Milan; Muchapondwa, Edwin; Thiam, Djiby
2020Estimating Elasticity of Substitution in CES Production Function: Examining Different Nesting Structures and EU RegionsKopecna, Vedunka; Scasny, Milan; Recka, Lukas
2020Country-by-country reporting and other financial transparency measures affecting the European UnionJanský, Petr; Knobel, Andres; Meinzer, Markus; Palanská, Tereza
2020Labor force participation of married woman in RussiaTurdaliev, Salim
2020Determinants of non-performing loans: Can national asset management companies help to alleviate the problems?Gonzales, Brenda Solis
2020Credit rating downgrade risk on equity returnsBrakatsoulas, Periklis; Kukacka, Jiri
2020Trading Volume and Stock Returns: A Meta-AnalysisBajzik, Josef
2020Estimating the relationship between resource intensity and occupational health and safety in KazakhstanLi, Natalia
2020Using "costs states" in a semi-Markov model to estimate cost-effectiveness with an illustration for metastatic HER2+ breast cancer in the Czech RepublicSlegerova, Lenka
2020Macroeconomic responses of emerging market economies to oil price shocks: Analysis by region and resource profileTogonidze, Sophio; Koécenda, Evézen
2020Are exchange rates less important for trade in a more globalized world? Evidence for the new EU membersFisera, Boris; Horváth, Roman
2020Consistency of Banks' Internal Probability of Default EstimatesStepankova, Barbora
2020A meta-analysis of the Frisch extensive margin elasticityElminejad, Ali; Havranek, Tomas; Horváth, Roman
2020Institutions, Financial Development, and Small Business Survival: Evidence from European Emerging MarketsIwasaki, Ichiro; Kocenda, Evzen; Shida, Yoshisada
2020Are employment effects of minimum wage the same across the EU? A meta-regression analysisKucera, Tomas
2019Does income increase the well-being of employees? Evidence from EuropeSpolcova, Dominika; Pertold-Gebicka, Barbara
2019The elusive effects of residential energy efficiency improvements: Evidence from UkraineAlberini, Anna; Khymych, Olha; Ščasný, Milan
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 161 bis 180 von 566