MNB Occasional Papers, Magyar Nemzeti Bank

ISSN: 1585-5678

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 78
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012Network-based analyses of Hungarian cash supplyBódi-Schubert, Anikó; Ábrahám, Zsolt; Lajkó, Erika
2012The role of the interchange fee in card payment systemsKeszy-Harmath, Éva; Kóczán, Gergely; Kováts, Surd; Martinovic, Boris; Takács, Kristóf
2012A system-wide financial stress indicator for the Hungarian financial systemHolló, Dániel
2011Nothing is free: A survey of the social cost of the main payment instruments in HungaryTurján, Anikó; Divéki, Éva; Keszy-Harmath, Éva; Kóczán, Gergely; Takács, Kristóf
2011Identifying supply and demand in the Hungarian corporate loan marketSóvágó, Sándor
2011The map of payments in HungaryHelmeczi, István
2011Moving target indication: Fiscal indicators employed by the Magyar Nemzeti BankKiss, Gábor P.
2011The role of currency swaps in the domestic banking system and the functioning of the swap market during the crisisPáles, Judit; Kuti, Zsolt; Csávás, Csaba
2010Foreign currency borrowing of housholds in new EU member statesCsajbók, Attila; Hudecz, András; Tamási, Bálint
2009Exchange rate exposure of Hungarian enterprises - Results of a surveyBodnár, Katalin
2009The information content of Hungarian sovereign CDS spreadsVarga, Lóránt
2009Postal payment services in HungaryTurján, Anikó
2009Secondary market trading infrastructure of government securitiesBalogh, Csaba; Kóczán, Gergely
2009Export structure and export specialisation in Central and Eastern European countriesMunkácsi, Zsuzsa
2008The forint interest rate swap market and the main drivers of swap spreadsCsávás, Csaba; Varga, Lóránt; Balogh, Csaba
2008Labour market institutions in Hungary with a focus on wage and employment flexibilityHorváth, Hedvig; Szalai, Zoltán
2008Estimating yield curves from swap, BUBOR and FRA dataReppa, Zoltán
2008Management of FX settlement risk in Hungary (Report II): Payments and securities settlementsTanai, Eszter
2008Contagion and the beginning of the crisis - Pre-Lehman periodKirály, Júlia; Nagy, Márton; Szabó, Viktor E.
2008Operational disruption and the Hungarian real time gross settlement system (VIBER)Lublóy, Ágnes; Tanai, Eszter
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 78