Economics Working Papers, Department of Economics, Universität Kiel

ISSN: 2193-2476

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 232
2010Some observations in the high-frequency versions of a standard new-keynesian modelFranke, Reiner; Sacht, Stephen
2010The conditional autoregressive wishart model for multivariate stock market volatilityGolosnoy, Vasyl; Gribisch, Bastian; Liesenfeld, Roman
2009Network hierarchy in Kirman's ant model: fund investment can create systemic riskAlfarano, Simone; Milaković, Mishael; Raddant, Matthias
2009A bayesian approach to model-based clustering for panel probit modelsAßmann, Christian; Boysen-Hogrefe, Jens
2009Banks and early deposit withdrawals in a new Keynesian frameworkTotzek, Alexander
2009The effects of variance breaks on homogenous panel unit root testsHerwartz, Helmut; Siedenburg, Florian
2009Determinants and dynamics of current account reversals: an empirical analysisLiesenfeld, Roman; Moura, Guilherme V.; Richard, Jean-François
2009On the (de)stabilizing effects of news shocksWinkler, Roland C.; Wohltmann, Hans-Werner
2009Rational expectations models with anticipated shocks and optimal policy: a general solution method and a new Keynesian exampleWohltmann, Hans-Werner; Winkler, Roland C.
2009Firms' heterogeneity, endogenous entry, and exit decisionsTotzek, Alexander
2009Persistence of a network core in the time evolution of interlocking directoratesMilaković, Mishael; Raddant, Matthias; Birg, Laura
2009Efficient likelihood evaluation of state-space representationsDeJong, David Neil; Dharmarajan, Hariharan; Liesenfeld, Roman; Moura, Guilherme V.; Richard, Jean-François
2009A new approach to unit root testingHerwartz, Helmut; Siedenburg, Florian
2008Artificial Long Memory Effects in Two Agend-Based Asset Pricing ModelsFranke, Reiner
2008The Bank, the Bank-Run, and the Central Bank: The Impact of Early Deposit Withdrawals in a New Keynesian FrameworkTotzek, Alexander
2008A Framed Field Experiment on Collective Enforcement Mechanisms with Ethiopian FarmersReichhuber, Anke; Camacho Cuena, Eva; Requate, Till
2008A Proof of Determinacy in the New-Keynesian Sticky Wages and Prices ModelFranke, Reiner; Flaschel, Peter
2008Firm Productivity and the Foreign-Market Entry DecisionRaff, Horst; Ryan, Michael; Stähler, Frank
2008Dynamic Factor Models for Multivariate Count Data: An Application to Stock-Market Trading ActivityJung, Robert; Liesenfeld, Roman; Richard, Jean-François
2008Incomes and inequality in the long run: the case of German elderlyBönke, Timm; Schröder, Carsten; Schulte, Katharina
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 232
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