Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers

ISSN: 0929-0834

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 3232
2024The generalized version of Hamilton's rulevan Veelen, Matthijs
2024Born that way: Beliefs about genetics' importance and redistribution preferencesPogliano, Andrea
2024A score-driven filter for causal regression models with time-varying parameters and endogenous regressorsBlasques, Francisco; Stegehuis, Noah
2024Consumer perceptions matter: A case study of an anomaly in English footballReade, J. James; van Ours, Jan C.
2024They didn't know what they got till the crowd was gonevan Ours, Jan C.
2024Towards fully decentralized environmental regulationGudmundsson, Jens; Hougaard, Jens Leth; Ansink, Erik
2024Bargaining power and quantity discounts to retailers: Evidence from India's pharmaceutical industryAntonecchia, Gianluca; Bhaskarabhatla, Ajay; Pennings, Enrico
2024On bubbles in cryptocurrency pricesvan Oordt, Maarten R. C.
2024Density forecasting for electricity prices under tail heterogeneity with the t-Riesz distributionOpschoor, Anne; Peerlings, Dewi; Rossini, Luca; Lucas, André
2024Kullback-Leibler-based characterizations of score-driven updatesde Punder, Ramon; Dimitriadis, Timo; Lange, Rutger-Jan
2024Competitive search with private information: Can price signal quality?Albrecht, James W.; Cai, Xiaoming; Gautier, Pieter; Vroman, Susan B.
2024Testing for clustering under switchingJoão, Igor Custodio
2024The Chinese waste import ban and the emergence of waste havens within EuropeSommer, Konstantin
2024Realized variances vs. correlations: Unlocking the gains in multivariate volatility forecastingCapera Romero, Laura; Opschoor, Anne
2024Poverty and uncertainty attitudesGonzalez Jimenez, Victor H.
2024Non-compete agreements, tacit knowledge and market imperfectionsBartelsman, Eric J.; Dobbelaere, Sabien; Zona Mattioli, Alessandro
2024High temperatures and workplace injuriesPicchio, Matteo; van Ours, Jan C.
2024Flexible negative binomial mixtures for credible mode inference in heterogeneous count data from finance, economics and bioinformaticsCross, Jamie; Hoogerheide, Lennart; Labonne, Paul; van Dijk, Herman K.
2024Statistical early warning models with applicationsHarlaar, Lucas P.; Commandeur, Jacques Jean François; van den Brakel, Jan A.; Koopman, Siem Jan; Bos, Niels; Bijleveld, Frits D.
2023An inexact science: Accounting for measurement error and downward bias in mode and location choice modelsDonovan, Stuart; de Graaff, Thomas; de Groot, Henri L.F.
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 3232