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24th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS): "Technology, Investment and Uncertainty", Florence, Italy, 20th-23rd October, 2013
International Telecommunications Society (ITS), Calgary
Standards are those generally agreed through repetitive use. They also make products and services more reliable. Thus, when developing standards, one should at first be aware of what the market actually needs not what the developers and providers want. If not, unnecessary standards will eventually end up being unused and dismissed. In this sense, standards developed primarily based on users' point of view are much more reusable. As information and communication technology (ICT) being accelerated these days, the number of standardisation activities has been dramatically increased and a great number of group and international standards has been developed all over the world. Therefore, Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs) follow routine maintenance procedures on their developed standards in order to assure their quality. In this paper, the authors propose a methodology for managing developed standards to enhance standards reusability in terms of standards development, maintenance, and management.
Conference Paper

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