IDB Working Paper Series, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1211
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Disaster and political trust: A natural experiment from the 2017 Mexico City earthquakeFrost, Margaret; Kim, Sangeun; Scartascini, Carlos G.; Zamora, Paula; Zechmeister, Elizabeth J.
2024The contractionary effects of protectionist trade policy in a dollarized economyGrijalva, Diego F.; Uribe-Terán, Carlos; Gache, Ivan
2024Climate change, hurricanes, and sovereign debt in the Caribbean basinCavallo, Eduardo A.; Gómez, Santiago; Noy, Ilan; Strobl, Eric
2024Taxation when markets are not competitive: Evidence from a loan taxBrugués, Felipe; De Simone, Rebecca
2024Climate change and sovereign risk: A regional analysis for the CaribbeanAgarwala, Matthew; Burke, Matt; Doherty-Bigara, Jennifer; Klusak, Patrycja; Mohaddes, Kamiar
2024Connecting the dots: The role of internationally mobile scientists in linking nonmobile scientists with foreign scientistsIto, Rodrigo; Chavarro, Diego; Ciarli, Tommaso; Cowan, Robin A.; Visentin, Fabiana
2024Disability employment quotas: Effects of laws and nudgesDuryea, Suzanne; Martínez Alvear, Claudia; Smith, Raimundo
2024Environmental damage news and stock returns: Evidence from Latin AmericaCavallo, Eduardo A.; Cepeda, Ana; Panizza, Ugo
2024Leveraging data to improve tax compliance for micro and small firms: Evidence from BrazilMotta Cafe, Renata; Yarygina, Anastasiya; Escalante, Lisseth
2024Can conditional cash transfers alter the effectiveness of other human capital development policies?Beuermann, Diether W.; Bonilla, Andrea Ramos; Stampini, Marco
2024Infrastructure services and early childhood development in Latin America and the Caribbean: Water, sanitation, and garbage collectionBalza, Lenin H.; Cuartas, Jorge; Gomez-Parra, Nicolas; Serebrisky, Tomás
2024Barriers to immigrant assimilation evidence on grading bias in Ecuadorian high schoolsRangel, Marcos A.; Marotta, Luana; Van der Werf, Cynthia; Duryea, Suzanne; Drouet, Marcelo; Guillén, Lucina Rodríguez
2024Local education spending and migration: Evidence from a large redistribution programChauvin, Juan Pablo
2024Does reluctance to share personal data reduce citizen demand for personalized services? Evidence from a survey experimentAguirre, Florencia; Roseth, Benjamin; Santamaria, Julieth
2024Market power in Latin America in worldwide perspective: An empirical explorationHeresi, Rodrigo
2024The central role of social dynamics in nudging social norms for collective healthMartínez, Déborah; Rojas, Ana María; Scartascini, Carlos G.; Simpser, Alberto
2024Gender-based research and interviewer effects: Evidence for Latin America and the CaribbeanGuizzo-Altube, Matías; Scartascini, Carlos G.
2024Water affordability measures under multiple and non-exclusive sources in Latin America and the CaribbeanMartínez-Espiñeira, Roberto; Pérez-Urdiales, María
2024Measuring racial bias in employment services in ColombiaDuryea, Suzanne; Millán-Quijano, Jaime; Morrison, Judith; Oviedo Gil, Yanira Marcela
2024Sovereign risk and economic complexityGómez González, José Eduardo; Uribe, Jorge; Valencia, Oscar M.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1211