LIS Working Paper Series, Luxembourg Income Study (LIS)

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 341 bis 360 von 866
2010Tax progression: International and intertemporal comparisons using LIS dataPogorelskiy, Kirill; Seidl, Christian; Traub, Stefan
2010Work-family policies and the effects of children on women's: Employment and earningsMisra, Joya; Budig, Michelle; Böckmann, Irene
2009Social assistance and minimum income protection in the EU: Vulnerability, adequacy, and convergenceNelson, Kenneth
2009The time divide in cross-national perspective: The work week, gender and education in 17 countriesFrase, Peter; Gornick, Janet C.
2009Canadian policies for families with very young children in international perspectivePhipps, Shelley
2009The empirics of the median voter: Democracy, redistribution and the role of the middle classScervini, Francesco
2009Poverty and institutional regimes: A generalised budget approach in 11 countriesVrooman, J.C.
2009Families, time and money in Canada, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United StatesBurton, Peter; Phipps, Shelley
2009Delay in marriage and income inequality in Japan: The impact of the increased number of unmarried adults living with their parents on the household economyShirahase, Sawako
2009Redistribution as an income mobility process: The identification and measurement of redistributionMorillas, Juan Rafael
2009Income poverty and income support for minority and immigrant children in rich countriesSmeeding, Timothy M.; Robson, Karen; Wing, Coady; Gershuny, Jonathan
2009Raising utility and lowering risk through adaptive sustainability: Society and the risk of wealth inequity in Western AustraliaAndrich, Mark A.; Oxburgh, E. Ronald; Imberger, Jorg
2009Wie hat sich die intragenerationale Umverteilung in der staatlichen Säule des Rentensystems verändert? Ein internationaler Vergleich auf Basis von LIS-DatenKrieger, Tim; Traub, Stefan
2009Inequality in human development: An empirical assessment of 32 countriesGrimm, Michael; Harttgen, Kenneth; Smeeding, Timothy; Misselhorn, Mark; Munzi, Teresa; Klasen, Stephan
2009Social capital and equality: Tocqueville's legacyFerragina, Emanuele
2009Armoede en ongelijkheid bij ouderen: Een vergelijkende studie van de pensioenstelsels in België en NederlandKeupers, Ingrid
2009Keynes, family allowances and post Keynesian anti-poverty policyPressman, Steven
2009Inequality decompositions: A reconciliationCowell, Frank A.; Fiorio, Carlo V.
2009Public oolicies and the middle class throughout the world in the mid 2000sPressman, Steven
2009Policy effects on class-gender employment intersectionsCooke, Lynn Prince
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 341 bis 360 von 866