ESMT Working Papers, ESMT European School of Management and Technology

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 122
2010Regular prices and salesHeidhues, Paul; Koszegi, Botond
2009Enjoy! Assertive Language and Consumer Compliance in (Non)Hedonic ContextsKronrod, Ann; Grinstein, Amir; Wathieu, Luc
2009Regulation and Investment in Network Industries: Evidence from European TelecomsGrajek, Michał; Röller, Lars-Hendrik
2009An Empirical Approach to Understanding Privacy ConcernsWathieu, Luc; Friedman, Allan
2009Demography vs. Context: A Cross-Country Survey of the Willingness to Rely on Trust in Business PartnershipsBidault, Francis; de la Torre, José R.; Zanakis, Stelios H.
2009The Effect of Adversity on Process Innovations and Managerial IncentivesDostie, Benoit; Jayaraman, Rajshri
2009Access Regulation and Investment in Next Generation Networks: A Ranking of Regulatory RegimesNitsche, Rainer; Wiethaus, Lars
2009ISO 9000: New Form of Protectionism or Common Language in International Trade?Clougherty, Joseph A.; Grajek, Michał
2009A Framework for Monitoring Relational Quality in B2B Technology PartnershipsBidault, Francis; Lüth, Manfred; Plötner, Olaf
2008Nurse-To-Patient Ratios in Hospital Staffing: A Queueing Perspectivede Véricourt, Francis; Jennings, Otis B.
2008The Rhythm of the Deal: Negotiation as a DanceSchlie, Erik H.; Young, Mark A.
2008Upsetting Events and Career Investments in the Russian ContextKorotov, Konstantin; Khapova, Svetlana
2008Resource and Revenue Management in Nonprofit Operationsde Véricourt, Francis; Lobo, Miguel Sousa
2008Trust and Creativity: Identifying the Role of Trust in Creativity-Oriented Joint-DevelopmentsBidault, Francis; Castello, Alessio
2008Organizational Redesign, Information Technologies and Workplace ProductivityDostie, Benoit; Jayaraman, Rajshri
2008Cosmopolitanism, Assignment Duration, and Expatriate Adjustment: The Trade-Off between Well-Being and PerformanceGrinstein, Amir; Wathieu, Luc
2008Legacy Effects in Radical Innovation: A Study of European Internet BankingSchlie, Erik H.; Prabhu, Jaideep C.; Chandy, Rajesh K.
2007Accelerated Development of Organizational TalentKorotov, Konstantin
2007Estimating Network Effects and Compatibility in Mobile TelecommunicationsGrajek, Michał
2007Usage and Diffusion of Cellular Telephony, 1998-2004Grajek, Michał; Kretschmer, Tobias
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 122