Browsing All of EconStor by Author Marcén, Miriam

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Income transfers, welfare and family decisionsAndaluz, Joaquín; Marcén, Miriam; Molina, José Alberto
2007How does the presence of children affect dependent care? A psycho-economic approachGiménez, José Ignacio; Marcén, Miriam; Molina, José Alberto
2008Dynamics of intrahousehold bargainingAndaluz, Joaquín; Marcén, Miriam; Molina, José Alberto
2011Does culture affect divorce decisions? Evidence from European immigrants in the USFurtado, Delia; Marcén, Miriam; Sevilla-Sanz, Almudena
2018Unemployment and Marital Breakdown: The Spanish CaseGonzález-Val, Rafael; Marcén, Miriam
2018Will you marry me? It depends (on the business cycle)Bellido, Héctor; Marcén, Miriam
2018The effect of culture on home-ownershipMarcén, Miriam; Morales, Marina
2019The effect of same-sex marriage legalization on interstate migration in the United StatesMarcén, Miriam; Morales, Marina
2019Gender division of household labor: How does culture operate?Marcén, Miriam; Morales, Marina
2020COVID-19 School Closures and Parental Labor Supply in the United StatesAmuedo-Dorantes, Catalina; Marcén, Miriam; Morales, Marina; Sevilla, Almudena
2020The intensity of COVID-19 Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions and labor market outcomes in the public sectorMarcén, Miriam; Morales, Marina
2020Gender Stereotyping in SportsMarcén, Miriam; Morales, Marina; Sevilla, Almudena
2021Culture and the cross-country differences in the gender commuting gap: Evidence from immigrants in the United StatesMarcén, Miriam; Morales, Marina
2021Spaniards in the wider world: The role of education in the choice of destination countryBellido, Héctor; Marcén, Miriam; Morales, Marina
2022The effect of gender norms on gender-based sorting across occupationsMarcén, Miriam; Morales, Marina
2024The effect of COVID-19 on the gender gap in remote workMarcén, Miriam; Morales, Marina