Browsing All of EconStor by Author Richstein, Jörn C.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 23
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017An analysis of a forward capacity market with long-term contractsBhagwat, Pradyumna C.; Marcheselli, Anna; Richstein, Jörn C.; Chappin, Emile J. L.; Vries, Laurens J. De
2017Cross-border effects of capacity mechanisms in interconnected power systemsBhagwat, Pradyumna C.; Richstein, Jörn C.; Chappin, Emile J.L.; Iychettira, Kaveri K.; Vries, Laurens J. De
2017Project-based carbon contracts: A way to finance innovative low-carbon investmentsRichstein, Jörn C.
2017The effectiveness of capacity markets in the presence of a high portfolio share of renewable energy sourcesBhagwat, Pradyumna C.; Iychettira, Kaveri K.; Richstein, Jörn C.; Chappin, Emile J.L.; Vries, Laurens J. De
2018An auction story: How simple bids struggle with uncertaintyRichstein, Jörn C.; Lorenz, Casimir; Neuhoff, Karsten
2018Affordable electricity supply via contracts for difference for renewable energyMay, Nils; Neuhoff, Karsten; Richstein, Jörn C.
2018Renewable energy policy in the age of falling technology costsNeuhoff, Karsten; May, Nils; Richstein, Jörn C.
2018Europe’s power system in transition: How to couple zonal and locational pricing systems?Richstein, Jörn C.; Neuhoff, Karsten; May, Nils
2018Opening the black box of energy modelling: Strategies and lessons learnedPfenninger, Stefan; Hirth, Lion; Schlecht, Ingmar; Schmid, Eva; Wiese, Frauke; Brown, Tom; Davis, Chris; Gidden, Matthew; Heinrichs, Heidi; Heuberger, Clara; Hilpert, Simon; Krien, Uwe; Matke, Carsten; Nebel, Arjuna; Morrison, Robbie; Müller, Berit; Pleßmann, Guido; Reeg, Matthias; Richstein, Jörn C.; Shivakumar, Abhishek; Staffell, Iain; Tröndle, Tim; Wingenbach, Clemens
2019CO2-Differenzverträge für innovative Klimalösungen in der IndustrieRichstein, Jörn C.; Neuhoff, Karsten
2020An auction story: How simple bids struggle with uncertaintyRichstein, Jörn C.; Lorenz, Casimir; Neuhoff, Karsten
2020The role of aggregators in facilitating industrial demand response: Evidence from GermanyStede, Jan; Arnold, Karin; Dufter, Christa; Holtz, Georg; von Roon, Serafin; Richstein, Jörn C.
2020Industrial demand response: How network tariffs and regulation do (not) impact flexibility provision in electricity markets and reservesRichstein, Jörn C.; Hosseinioun, Seyed Saeed
2020Industrial demand response: How network tariffs and regulation (do not) impact flexibility provision in electricity markets and reservesRichstein, Jörn C.; Hosseinioun, Seyed Saeed
2020Mögliche Auswirkungen des nationalen Brennstoffemissionshandels auf Carbon Leakage und WettbewerbsfähigkeitMay, Nils; von Schickfus, Marie-Theres; Lettow, Frederik; Neuhoff, Karsten; Pittel, Karen; Richstein, Jörn C.; Zimmer, Markus
2021Green Deal für die Industrie: Wichtiger als Förderung sind klare RahmenbedingungenNeuhoff, Karsten; Chiappinelli, Olga; Kröger, Mats; Lettow, Frederik; Richstein, Jörn C.; Schütze, Franziska; Stede, Jan; Xi, Sun
2022Marktprämie beschert Betreibern erneuerbarer Energien Zusatzgewinne: Differenzverträge würden VerbraucherInnen entlastenRichstein, Jörn C.; Lettow, Frederik; Neuhoff, Karsten
2022Contracts for difference support the expansion of renewable energy sources while reducing electricity price risksKröger, Mats; Neuhoff, Karsten; Richstein, Jörn C.
2022Differenzverträge fördern den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien und mindern StrompreisrisikenKröger, Mats; Neuhoff, Karsten; Richstein, Jörn C.
2023Contracting matters: Hedging producers and consumers with a renewable energy poolNeuhoff, Karsten; Ballesteros, Fernanda; Kröger, Mats; Richstein, Jörn C.