Browsing All of EconStor by Author Wolters, Maik

Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013Do large recessions reduce output permanently?Wolters, Maik; Hosseinkouchack, Mehdi
2013Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von makroökonomischen Modellen zur (exante) Evaluierung wirtschaftspolitischer MaßnahmenWolters, Maik
2014Weltkonjunktur im Herbst 2014Gern, Klaus-Jürgen; Jannsen, Nils; Plödt, Martin; Scheide, Joachim; Groll, Dominik; Schwarzmüller, Tim; Wolters, Maik
2014The short- and long-run effects of fiscal consolidation in dynamic general equilibriumWolters, Maik; Schwarzmüller, Tim
2014Forecasting German key macroeconomic variables using large dataset methodsPirschel, Inske; Wolters, Maik
2014Is there a threat of self-reinforcing deflation in the euro area? A view through the lens of the Phillips curveWieland, Volker; Wolters, Maik
2014Is there a threat of self-reinforcing deflation in the Euro area? A view through the lens of the Phillips curveWieland, Volker; Wolters, Maik
2015Monetary Policy during Financial Crises: Is the Transmission Mechanism Impaired?Jannsen, Nils; Potjagailo, Galina; Wolters, Maik
2015Zwischen GREMAIN und GREXIT: Euroraum in der BewährungskriseBoysen-Hogrefe, Jens; Fiedler, Salomon; Gern, Klaus-Jürgen; Groll, Dominik; Hauber, Philipp; Jannsen, Nils; Kooths, Stefan; Langhammer, Rolf J.; Plödt, Martin; Potjagailo, Galina; Stolzenburg, Ulrich; Wolters, Maik
2015Quantitative easing in the euro area: Transmission channels and risksGern, Klaus-Jürgen; Jannsen, Nils; Kooths, Stefan; Wolters, Maik
2017Predicting Ordinary and Severe Recessions with a Three-State Markov-Switching Dynamic Factor Model. An Application to the German Business CycleHeinrich, Markus; Carstensen, Kai; Reif, Magnus; Wolters, Maik
2017The impact of growth on unemployment in a low vs. a high inflation environmentTesfaselassie, Mewael F.; Wolters, Maik
2017Effectiveness of Unconventional Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: An Assessment Based on a Literature SurveyFiedler, Salomon; Hanisch, Isabel; Jannsen, Nils; Wolters, Maik
2019Rezessionsrisiko der deutschen Wirtschaft deutlich erhöhtCarstensen, Kai; Reif, Magnus; Wolters, Maik
2022ifo Konjunkturprognose Sommer 2022: Inflation, Lieferengpässe und Krieg bremsen wirtschaftliche Erholung in DeutschlandWollmershäuser, Timo; Ederer, Stefan; Lay, Max; Lehmann, Robert; Link, Sebastian; Fourné, Friederike; Menkhoff, Manuel; Möhrle, Sascha; Šauer, Radek; Schiman, Stefan; Wohlrabe, Klaus; Wolters, Maik; Zarges, Lara
2024Sudden Stop: Supply and Demand Shocks in the German Natural Gas MarketGüntner, Jochen; Reif, Magnus; Wolters, Maik