Bremen Energy Working Papers (BEWP), Bremen Energy Research (BER), Constructor University Bremen

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 42
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019Assessment of the drafted German Integrated National Energy and Climate PlanBuchmann, Marius; Kusznir, Julia; Brunekreeft, Gert
2019Constrained connection for distributed generation by DSOs in European countriesFurusawa, Ken; Brunekreeft, Gert; Hattori, Toru
2018Cross-border electricity interconnectors in the EU: The status quoBrunekreeft, Gert; Meyer, Roland
2017Regulatorische Herausforderungen für Multi-Use-Speicher in Stromverteilnetzen: Ein AusschreibungsmodellMeyer, Roland; Brunekreeft, Gert; Palovic, Martin; Speiser, Daniel
2016Information management in smart grids: Who should govern information management to balance between coordination and competition on the distribution grid level?Buchmann, Marius
2016Evaluation of strategy of power generation business under large-scale integration of renewable energyBrunekreeft, Gert; Buchmann, Marius; Hattori, Toru; Meyer, Roland
2016Information management in smart grids: The need for decentralized governance approachesBuchmann, Marius
2015Anreizregulierung bei Stromverteilnetzen: Effizienz versus Investitionen oder effiziente Investitionen?Brunekreeft, Gert; Meyer, Roland
2015Distribution planning and pricing in view of increasing shares of intermittent, renewable energy in Germany and JapanBrandstätt, Christine; Brunekreeft, Gert; Furusawa, Ken; Hattori, Toru
2014Cross-border effects of capacity mechanisms: Do uncoordinated market design policies countervail the goals of European market integration?Meyer, Roland; Gore, Olga
2014Entflechtung in Netzsektoren: Ein VergleichAbegg, Peter; Brinkmann, Michael; Brunekreeft, Gert; Götz, Georg; Krancke, Jan; Müller, Christoph; Schmidt, Claudia
2014Unbundling of electricity transmission system operators in Germany: An experience reportBrunekreeft, Gert; Goto, Mika; Meyer, Roland; Maruyama, Masahiro; Hattori, Toru
2014Information governance in smart grids: A Common Information Platform (CIP)Brandstätt, Christine; Brunekreeft, Gert; Buchmann, Marius; Friedrichsen, Nele
2014Network unbundling and flawed coordination: Lessons from electricity and railwaysBrunekreeft, Gert
2013Auction design for a strategic reserve market for generation adequacy: On the incentives under different auction scoring rulesBrunekreeft, Gert; Meyer, Roland; Rammerstorfer, Margarethe
2012On the role of international benchmarking of electricity transmission system operators facing significant investment requirementsBrunekreeft, Gert
2011The timing of repeated and unrepeated monopoly investment under wear and tear and demand growthBorrmann, Jörg; Brunekreeft, Gert
2011Improving investment coordination in electricity networks through smart contractsBrandstätt, Christine; Brunekreeft, Gert; Friedrichsen, Nele
2011Governing smart grids - the case for an independent system operatorFriedrichsen, Nele
2011Regulation and regulatory risk in the face of large transmission investmentBrunekreeft, Gert; Meyer, Roland
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 42