FERDI Policy Briefs, Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)

ISSN: 2275-5055

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 289
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014What policy in poor agricultural countries affected by climate change?Maurel, Mathilde; Barré, Thomas; Kubik, Zaneta
2014Quels instruments pour préserver les bénéfices de l'intégration financière dans l'Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest africaine?Derreumaux, Paul
2014L'intégration régionale peut-elle réduire la vulnérabilité ?Hugon, Philippe
2014L'intégration peut–elle créer de nouveaux risques? Est-elle une source de vulnérabilité?Guillaumont Jeanneney, Sylviane
2014A necessary small revision to the EVI to make it more balanced and equitableGuillaumont, Patrick
2014Changes in Migration Patterns and Remittances: Do Female and Skilled Migrants remit more?Le Goff, Maëlan; Salomone, Sara
2013Improving Trade Finance In Low Income Country: A WTO PriorityAuboin, Marc
2013Empowering marginalized people: An Overview of BRAC's Development Experience and Lessons for PolicyHossain, Mahabub
2013Les pays vulnérables dans l'agenda post-2015Guillaumont, Patrick
2013Les défis de la coordination des politiques tarifaires et fiscales en Uemoa/CedeaoGeourjon, Anne-Marie; Mansour, Mario
2013The demand for savings, credit and insurance in a simple dynamic frameworkDemont, Timothée; Dequiedt, Vianney
2013The insurance role of collective fields in extended household: an obstacle to individualization of farm production?Guirkinger, Catherine
2013La mesure du développement humain: quelles évolutions? Etat des discussions sur les méthodes et conceptsRoca, Thomas
2013Aid for Trade: Can it be Evaluated?, janvier 2013Cadot, Olivier; de Melo, Jaime
2013Product relatedness and firm exports in ChinaPoncet, Sandra; Starosta de Waldemar, Felipe
2013Life quantity, life quality and longevity: the need for an intertemporal evaluation frameworkDuclos, Jean-Yves
2013Puzzles of macro and micro linkages: Evidence from evaluationsVinod, Thomas; Xubei, Luo
2013Willingness-to-pay for microinsurance and flexibility: Evidence from an agricultural investment lab-in-the-field experiment in SenegalCzura, Kristina; Dequiedt, Vianney
2013Sharing the Risk and the Uncertainty: Public-Private Reinsurance Partnerships for Viable Agricultural Insurance MarketsCarter, Michael R.
2013The UN Committee on Food Security : A new approach to global governance?de Janvry, Alain
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 289