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Results 41-50 of 473.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Immigrants' Identity, Economic Outcomes, and the Transmission of Identity across GenerationsCasey, Teresa; Dustmann, Christian
2023Towards a Dynamic Spatial Microsimulation Model for Projecting Auckland's Spatial Distribution of Ethnic GroupsMondal, Mohana; Cameron, Michael P.; Poot, Jacques
2013Two Decades of Negative Educational Selectivity of Mexican Migrants to the United StatesRendall, Michael S.; Parker, Susan W.
2022Immigration and electoral outcomes: Evidence from the 2015 refugee inflow to GermanyBredtmann, Julia
2006Ethnic Identification, Intermarriage, and Unmaresured Progress by Mexican AmericansDuncan, Brian; Trejo, Stephen
2017Settling for Academia? H-1B Visas and the Career Choices of International Students in the United StatesAmuedo-Dorantes, Catalina; Furtado, Delia
20142000 Families: identifying the research potential of an origins-of migration studiesGuveli, Ayse; Ganzeboom, Harry; Baykara-Krumme, Helen; Platt, Lucinda; Eroğlu, Şebnem; Spierings, Niels; Bayrakdar, Sait; Sozeri, Efe K; Nauck, Bernhard
2012Do Migrant Girls Always Perform Better? Differences between the Reading and Math Scores of 15-Year-Old Daughters and Sons of Migrants in PISA 2009 and Variations by Region of Origin and Country of DestinationKornder, Nils; Dronkers, Jaap
2014Selective Outmigration and the Estimation of Immigrants Earnings ProfilesDustmann, Christian
2009The Microeconomic Determinants of Emigration and Return Migration of the Best and Brightest: Evidence from the PacificGibson, John; McKenzie, David