BGPE Discussion Paper Series, Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)

ISSN: 1863-5733

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 228
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008The tragedy (or virtue?) of in-kind redistribution: How the poor pays for the rich's status concernsSchumacher, Jan
2008Negatively Correlated BanditsKlein, Nicolas; Rady, Sven
2008Strategic Aspects of Voluntary Disclosure Programs for Corruption Offences: Towards a Design of Good PracticeNell, Mathias
2008Contracts Induced by Means of Bribery: Should they be Void or Valid?Nell, Mathias
2008Restricted Bailouts and the Commitment Problem in FederationsKaiser, Karolina
2008Corporate Taxes, Profit Shifting and the Location of Intangibles within Multinational FirmsDischinger, Matthias; Riedel, Nadine
2008Weitzman revisited: Emission standards vs. taxes with uncertain control costs and market power of polluting firmsHeuson, Clemens
2008Emission standards vs. taxes: The case of asymmetric Cournot duopoly and uncertain control costsHeuson, Clemens
2008Some Second Thoughts on Monopolistic Distortions and Endogenous GrowthArnold, Lutz; Bauer, Christian
2008Capital stock approximation using firm level panel dataMueller, Steffen
2008Financial Incentives to Postpone Retirement and Further Effects on Employment - Evidence from a Natural ExperimentHanel, Barbara
2008Trade, Productivity and semi-endogenous GrowthBauer, Christian
2007How to get tenuredGraber, Michael; Launov, Andrey; Waelde, Klaus
2007Dynamic ClustersFalck, Oliver; Heblich, Stephan
2007Schwellenwerte im Arbeitsrecht: Höhere Transparenz und Effizienz durch VereinheitlichungKoller, Lena; Schnabel, Claus; Wagner, Joachim
2007Health Relevant Behavior and its Impact on the Physician-Patient RelationshipSchneider, Udo; Ulrich, Volker
2007The ratchet effect in a two lag setting and the mitigating influence of yardstick competitionBrockmann, Cord
2007Double Moral Hazard and Outcome-based Remuneration of PhysiciansSchneider, Udo
2007Monitoring and Privacy in Automobile Insurance Markets with Moral HazardFilipova, Lilia
2007The Uncertainty Channel of ContagionKoehler-Geib, Fritzi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 228